Chapter 10

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Hey guys, 

I'm so sorry - going back to school after quarantine for two months is intense, I didn't even realise how much I needed to catch up on! How's quarantine for you guys? Hope you all are doing well. Okay, I'm rambling, without further ado, here is chapter 10.


"Ms Cameron and I have organised pairs, one boy and one girl, who best match your skill level." A slight shake of his head follows Mr Solomon's sentence. "You asked for this, gentlemen. I'm going to prepare you best I can, but that might not be enough."

"We cannot lose again," Chase says in response.

"At least we have home advantage?" Jonas tries to motivate us through a question. Really, Jonas? That's all you got?

Before I could voice that, Mr Solomon interrupts, "Home advantage didn't help the CovOps track gentlemen."

"Damn it. I forgot about that," Grant mutters under his breath. Damn it, so did I.

"Remember, we have the brains and the brawn," I tell the group, jumping onto Jonas' positivity train even though a tiny voice in my head said a) this is lame and b) we might not win.

Wanting to know who our partner was; Grant inquired Mr Solomon, "Who will we be fighting?"

"You will find out later. Now, do you want to learn how to try beat these girls or not?"

We all nodded as Mr Solomon responded, "Good. Let's begin."

While Mr Solomon continued to finish his lecture on defence, ABIGAIL CAMERON(?! - I know, I'm still amazed myself) walked in. We didn't even have time to question why Mr Solomon was teaching us about defence instead of attack, I mean aren't we supposed to attack? Even though it was odd, I didn't question it, and neither did anyone else. We wanted to win. We had to win.

"Ms Cameron, the floor is yours," Mr Solomon concluded, disappearing to the next room.

"Well then, what useless information has Joe Solomon taught you?" Abigail Cameron, sorry – Ms Cameron smoothly continued. When silence followed her question, she looked at our shocked faces in turn.

"Ah, I see," she said, understanding our shock, "Do you want to try beat these girls or not?"

At that phrase, reflecting Mr Solomon's phrase earlier, we all snapped out of it. Of course, we wanted to win. What was the point otherwise? But, they both used the word 'try' before beating them – way to motivate us, I know. There is no way we will lose. If worst comes to worst, and if most of us lose, I will win mine and I know Grant will too. As if he could read my mind we looked at each other and nodded. We won't lose all to nil though.

After Abigail's intense lecture on attack, we were ready. I mean, we thought we were. Unfortunate events followed this. We were extremely depressed. As I glanced at Abigail's smirk, a wave of disappointment followed. Damn it, Abigail held out on us. We hadn't even won one match. ONE! Liz and Jonas fought, even though they were on the R&D track, and only match where I would have bet on Jonas, was where Jonas lost again. As soon as they stepped onto the mat, Liz pounded Jonas up. He hit the ground unconscious in seconds. It was appalling, really. How?

And that wasn't all. Eva, Tina and a bunch of other girls won, Bex probably hurt Grant's ego more than him physically and Macey practically murdered Cole. 14 to nil, well, I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

My match is the last of the competition and I get paired up with Cammie. I can't lie, I'm excited. It's finally time one of us boys actually wins. But, I couldn't really count on girls being weak anymore after the several demonstrations before mine.

I look over to Mr Solomon and basically see the words he is imprinting with a laser into my brain. Don't get too eager now, Mr. Goode. Please, I am going to win.

It's finally time to show this girl who's boss. Let's win this match.

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