Chapter 12

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Note: Sorry about the weird thing that's happening guys, I have no idea why it's saying that chapter 15 has been uploaded already. But, here's chapter 12. Hope you enjoy! 


After our previous attempt, failure and consequences, I knew Jonas would refuse to hack into the Gallagher Academy files, and also the fact that he spent every second taking a second peek at Liz. But I can't really judge, can I? I couldn't even make a joke about Grant liking Bex without him flipping it onto me and Cammie. Especially their chosen table in our dining hall was perfect. They were at the table in front of us and if the boys sitting opposite us left, we would be face to face with them. Even so, it didn't really matter because I had a clear line of vision to see Cammie.

Mentally, I slap myself. I need to focus, I still need to find a way to get Jonas to hack into the Gallagher files, again. So, I have to get creative. But how? I wasn't even sure myself.

Fading into my reverie, yet again, I watch Cammie. Her beauty was undeniable. But not only did she have every boy in the room both in awe and jealous (but covering it up with hatred) of her intelligence, but every boy had a little internal crush on her. Even Jonas and Grant, who definitely like Liz and Bex.

She was, dare I say, perfect. I mean, I know everyone says "nobody's perfect," but she was probably the closest you were going to get to utter perfection. She was smart, and beautiful and sarcastic but watching her in her group, you could see she was innocent too. She was part of the group but could seem like an onlooker, she was a true pavement artist – even in her own group of friends. She had a subtle kind of beauty, as if she didn't even realise that she was absolutely gorgeous.

Mr Solomon ruining my clear line of sight of Cammie compelled me to look away from her and see him beckoning me away from the dining hall. The thing about Mr Solomon, is even without words, he said things. And you'd better do what he says, unless you want to be involved in an 'incident.'

When I approach, without a greeting, Mr Solomon begins talking. But that's wasn't really a surprise. That's basically what he does. What he said, on the other hand, was very interesting.

"Good choice," he leads with. Huh? Seeing that I was lost, you could see him being slightly passive-aggressive by suppressing an eye-roll towards me, and sighing before he continued to explain himself.

"Cammie," he responds to my unannounced question. Oh, I got it.

"But I swear, if you hurt her, I will kill you."

Wait, what? Mr Solomon? It's not that I doubt he could kill me, it was the fact that he would kill me for Chameleon. It was obvious everyone liked her, but what was the connection between them? He must like her more than a student, because I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't kill someone on my behalf. So, why would he kill me, for her? What's the link between them?

"Wait, scrape that," Mr Solomon continues after a pause, "she would probably do that herself. She always hated when someone tried to help her without her consent." He says the last sentence under his breath, and walking away, YET AGAIN, leaving me unsure whether he intended me to hear that.

Damn, I really need to stop letting him do that. Okay, I needed info. Stat.

Mentally writing myself a to-do list, I remain stuck on how to get Jonas to hack into the system.


Okay, so I'm ashamed to admit this, but several days since I got shown up (something I never thought I would say) passed until it finally clicked in the middle of COW (I know, I know. Days later. I didn't say that I was proud of that accomplishment). But, anyhow, the answer hit me like a brick wall. My brain started clicking into gear again, since I clearly haven't used it for a while, and I came up with a plan.

Damn, how did I not think of this sooner? I'm so stupid. Okay, stop slapping yourself; you look like an idiot.

When class ended, I had to prepare myself and put my plan in action tonight. I started to mentally write myself dot points for my speech and crossed one thing off my mental to-do list. Oh yeah, its time to put my plan into action. 

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