*  *  *  *
As she stepped into the crowded lobby filled with excited students,expectant faces of parents,with the                         vice-chancellor in the middle pacing the floor with his hands clenched behind his back and a worried expression on his face.

  Her eyes wide,she ran towards the vice chancellor.

  With his tense stout shoulders, he breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he sighted her before asking.

  "Why are you late,Elizabeth? We've been waiting for you!." He said stating the obvious.

Lizzy suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, and tried to apologize
"Am sorry,I..."

Cutting her off,
  "No time for that now." He said waving off her apology.
"we have a guest" he said pulling Lizzy in the direction of his office.

"He's asking for you".

Confused,she was already inside his office before she could voice out her protest.


But the door was already shut. She was trapped. She looked around the room to find a man standing with his broad shoulders looking out through the celing-to-floor windows looking out at the students hustling and bustling to get good seats before the ceremony started.

    He was quite tall compared to her 5'5 height,obviously. He spoke,surprising Lizzy with his deep voice which was rich like silk.

   " You kept me waiting "he said quietly,his lack of patience evident in his voice and tone.

  " Am sorry,it was due to..."she paused trying to figure out how best to explain the situation "...unforseen circumstances" she completed.
Furious,he spun around to face her with a speed that had Lizzy both stunned and scared.

  He looked divine and powerful like someone who had just stepped out of a men's magazine.

  Through his suit,she could see the hard lines of his physique and luscious dark hair sleeked upwards. She couldn't stop her eyes from raking through his body. Unbeknownst to her,he had been talking to her for a good few minutes and it seemed like she was even listening but actually,she didn't seem to hear him until he was 2 inches away from her, glaring at her with furious eyes.

     He was infuriated.The nerve of the girl to ignore him like that. If it wasn't because he was angry at that moment,he would been captivated by this beauty. With her beautiful curly raven coloured hair, slim frame with curves that were too distracting and...
      Pushing down his tortuous thoughts he continued to walk towards her while also explaining to her the disadvantages of wasting his time and she didn't seem to be listening to him and it infuriated him even more .

  "Didn't you hear what I just said?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face to bring her back to reality.

"Am sorry. I couldn't..." Seeing the obvious grin on his face,her face flushed. She knew he'd noticed her gaping at him.

  "So,I said that you wasted my time and am a very impatient man so there must be something you can do to appease me" he lied.

  Confused,she looked up into his eyes to see the implied words in his expression.

Disgusted,she stepped back away from him with her back hitting the door but he didn't stop there, he kept drawing closer to her until there was no gap left in between them. Bringing his body down to her height,his lips close to hers,she could feel his breath warm her face and could taste the coffee in his breath.

  "You know you want to,come on ,i won't tell a soul." He said seductively with a smirk plastered on his face.

   "That's how you got to the top right?" She looked away from his distracting lips and into his eyes at the implication of his words. She instantly understood what he meant.

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