Chapter 05 - Another Home

Start from the beginning

"Wh-What is that noise? It feels like it's going closer." the ponytailed asked the angel as she looks back at her.

???: "Ahh. Don't worry. They are friends from other places. Hehe. It looks like they have a new vehicle with them." the angel replied as she puts a plate near a sleeping peasant. With that, the thump noises now get louder and louder and almost all of the sleeping peasants wake up because of it. In confusion, they all started to get scared as they look at the four strange men and at each other wondering what just happened to them. But as they saw an angel near them, somehow, they can feel a calm and gentle aura coming from her.

"Glen! Herman! I'm glad you're fine!" the ponytailed girl happily shouts at them seeing they are all now fine and well. Glenn is a blonde hair man also in his 20s, while Herman is a muscular man in his 30s.

"Isabella! And an angel?! OH, LORD!" Herman and Glenn also noticed the angel and also bent their knees toward her. 




As the other peasants kneel and bow to the angel as she distributes the cooked meals.

???: "Your gratitudes are hereby accepted and welcomed, dear ones. Now, be prepared to thank the one the truly saved your lives last night." the angel said with a smile as she grabs the now-empty tray and exits out of the leaving room. The peasants were now left wondering what situation are they in now. They all wondered about the strange tubes that were injected into their hands that were attached to a strange transparent pocket bag hanging on their near walls. They touch and inspect their hands and feet with new and improved bandages as well. 

Strong winds now began flowing through the tattered curtains of the windows and windows began moving as a loud and powerful vehicle was now hovering closer to the Cathedral. Inside the living room, the ponytailed girl and the peasants look out the windows as they cover their faces with their arms and hands as the strong wind gush flows inside the room.

"THAT VEHICLE IS FLYING!" Isabella shouted. 

"ARRGH!! THE NOISE! IT'S DEAFENING!" Glenn also shouted as he began covering his ears.

The other sleeping peasants then also began waking up due to the deafening thump noises outside. Until they saw a hovering green vehicle outside of the window slowly descending down on an open field outside. They all watch it with extreme awe and shock as they also see distinguishable people inside the said vehicle.


"IS THIS SOME SORT OF NEW MAGIC?!" a female peasant shouted.

A man with the same green attire stands firmly outside the open field and starts to make hand gestures and arm movements as he guides the descending vehicle to the ground. With now close to the ground, the strange vehicle's rear opens up, and the whole vehicle touches and lands on the ground. What follows are also people coming out of the said vehicle with their outfits almost the same as the four strange men around them. Some of the strange men inside the Cathedral

"A-ARE THEY ONE OF YOURS?!" Herman shouted at a strange man looking outside of the window also observing the arrival of the flying vehicle. The other strange men also look outside as they observe the vehicle now turning its rotors off.

"HM? YES. THEY ARE WITH SIR HARVEY!" the strange man replied to Herman.

"S-SIR HARVEY?!" Herman asked dumbfounded. He now thinks that Harvey was their boss or the head of their group. The spinning rotors now start to stop as the people inside shuts down their engines. After a couple of handshakes outside, the men that came outside of the vehicle now make their way inside the Cathedral. Inside of the living room, the peasants can now hear the men mumbled voices greeting the arrivals.

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