Chapter 19 Changes (Edited)

Start from the beginning

I am so sorry I couldn't be there to help you, to guide you but hopefully, your new parents will guide you as much as they can. I love you, my baby girl.

That is why I must give you a better life.

Love, Mom

I began to cry when I read the letter, knowing that my biological parents just wanted to give me a good life. I am glad that my parents gave me the information that I need. Maybe one day I can search for my biological parents. I want to know them one day.

I was about to go back to sleep when I saw something shining on my face. The moon reflected something on my desk and I stood up to see what it was.

What I saw was a box with a ribbon on it and a huge book I had never seen before. I put aside the box and tried to open the book but it was locked I didn't see any lock on it or a key either.

I took the box instead and opened it, what I saw inside where again the moon reflected on was a beautiful necklace with a huge stone that sparkled like a gem, it started forming a lot of colors in it. It was the most interesting piece of jewelry I have ever seen.

*Maybe Mom came in and put it on my desk* I figured. *But my door was locked?*

I wore the necklace and I noticed the book opened by itself.

*Okay, now I'm scared, please don't let anything pop out of it please, please* I looked inside the book slowly.

Suddenly, I saw a bright light of colors on the book, all types of colors and words started to form on their own on the pages. The light was directed at me and I could feel a strange sensation in my body, a sense of adrenaline came through my veins and it caused me to have another blackout.

The next day: Saturday

I woke up at my desk and I remember all that happened yesterday. I was about to open the book again.

"Aurora, sweetheart your friend Mikayla is here! Or should I say cousin now?" Mom called from downstairs

"What is the time?" I looked at my alarm clock.

"noon!?!?!?" it turned out I forgot to set my alarm clock and woke up late. "I'll be right down, it will take 15 minutes!"

I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower, I wore my clothes and was about to tie my hair in front of the mirror. I saw myself in the mirror and it didn't look like me, I saw a completely different person in the mirror.

I was not hallucinating at all, my freckles did spread to my nose and a little bit by the cheeks, what scared me was my eyes had turned completely purple and my hair had changed color from brown to a mixture of red to burgundy. The colour was strange like I dyed my hair but I didn't.

"Aurora, are you ready yet?" Called Mikayla.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I replied. I changed my clothes to not let anyone see the changes in me, I didn't want to look weird. I went to change into a hoodie instead to cover my hair and sunglasses. I quickly went downstairs and until I realized my eyesight was way better than before, I didn't even feel the need for my glasses.

I saw Mikayla and pulled her to the door. "Bye Mom, I will be back before 9," I said

"Okay. Stay safe!" Mom replied.

What I saw in front of my house was something I thought I would never see in real life. A limo! There was an actual limo in front of my house, I saw the neighbors staring at it and me going into the Limo. I felt like a famous person. I looked inside and it was incredible, it had a driver and a mini fridge.

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