ThirtyFive: Worth

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Bee looked up sharply, "What?! How is that possible?!"

Jimin was sure that Bee didn't mean that sentence in a "Everyone has had sex why haven't you what is wrong with you?" Kind of way, but he still felt his heart drop.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Bee said, "I mean, you're really good looking with a good body and you're kind and sweet... Why haven't you had a girlfriend?"

Bee's already flushed face turned bright red and Jimin lowered his head, closing his eyes so he wasn't distracted. The large swell of Bee's breasts were right in his view, and if he kept his eyes open he would see how smooth and perfect they looked and the fact that they were so soft and-

"I never had any interest before," Jimin's voice broke. He sighed, "Sorry, I ruined the mood,"

Bee laughed and Jimin's head shot straight back up to look at her face, "Yeah, just a bit,"

"Wh-What?" She snapped at him.

"You laughed," He stated, his eyes wide.

"I'm capable of laughing, just like everyone else," She growled at him, her body beginning to heat up from embarrassment.

"It was beautiful," Jimin said honestly, "That sound from you,"

"Just," Bee sighed, "Shut up and kiss me,"

"You want to carry on?" Jimin asked, confused.

"Obviously," Came the embarrassed reply, "I'm ready for you and you are as hard as a rock," Her hips surged up, trapping his hard length between their bodies. Jimin hissed from the warm, soft contact of her skin, but the lust was quickly cut short again.

"I don't have any protection," He began to sit up but Bee wrapped her arms around his torso, bringing him back down on top of her.

"I'm not in heat, I can't get pregnant," She said, "And I don't carry human diseases,"

At Jimin's hesitant expression, she spoke again, "I am not ovulating, and I am clean,"

He relaxed onto her body, drinking in the sight of her flushed face, knowing that if they continued, she was going to look even more flushed and exposed.

"I thought I told you to kiss me?" She said, although the demand was more of a question.

Jimin couldn't help but smile, "Yes, Alpha," He said, leaning down to connect their lips again.


Namjoon was glad that he was finally off babysitting duty. Jungkook hadn't returned, which was a good thing, but he was also bored.

He decided that instead of resting, he would grab something to eat and then stretch his legs in the forest. Swapping with a more tired member of the pack would do both him and the other wolf some good.

However, as he headed down the corridor, his bare feet came to a halt outside Bee's room.

The smell of her arousal was strong, hitting him in the chest like a truck with the scent of honey wafting up his nostrils and making his manhood punch against his fly, desperate to be used. The scent was strong, reminding him of how she tasted; so sweet and smooth, and his breath caught in his throat.

But, there was only one thing that the dull thumping sound coming through her wooden door meant.

Namjoon's fingers curled into fists and a growl rumbled up from his throat. Bee was in there with another male. He took a deep breath. Now was not the time to bust in there. He would have to wait until-

A sudden, almost surprised feminine cry of pure ecstasy cut through the air, dampened only by the door. Namjoon closed his eyes, taking another deep breath.

His Bee never cried out like that. She would gasp, or breath heavily, but that kind of cry never left her lips. She was too reserved, too perfect to be that vulnerable. Yet, she was behind that door making noises that made him throb all over.

When a male voice cursed, deep and drawn out, Namjoon forced himself to start walking again.

His love was in that room with a goddamn human while he was available to be used. He had made it clear to her that she never needed to be with anyone else, because he could give her exactly what she needed and let her retain her strength and the edge that made her such a powerful Alpha.

Yet he was forgotten, tossed aside for a worthless human while he and the rest of the pack worked themselves to exhaustion to protect her. The one warming her bed had done nothing to protect her - in fact, she had protected him when the wolf leapt at him from the bushes.

At least when Bee was with Taehyung, Namjoon could be sure that she would be protected. He might have been jealous of their relationship, but Taehyung would be a worthy Alpha male for his female and her pack.

But to have a human as her mate?

No, that was not acceptable.

Bee was getting pulled away from reality. Jimin could not be her mate or rule by her side. Not only was it a weakness for the pack, it was not allowed.

To mate Namjoon's female, he had to prove his worth.

And there was only one way to do that in a wolf pack. A human would not be able to even compete.


AN: This is nowhere near as good as the one I wrote before, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway

Fire Wolf || PJM, KNJ & KTHحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن