ThirtySix: Surprised

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"How can you tell if someone has wolf in their family?" Daisy asked, watching Yoongi as he selected yet more books from the shelf.

He spent all of his time studying what Bee had asked; even going so far as taking a book with him to bed. At least he was eating.

"That's what I'm trying to find out," Yoongi grunted, carrying a heavy pile of books back to the overflowing desk, "But wouldn't you be able to tell?"

Daisy shook her head, "We can sense others like us, not those who were born of a wolf,"

Yoongi hummed and picked the top book from the pile, carefully leafing through it.

"This book actually- wait," Yoongi turned back a few pages, "This book tells you how to find out, but it's not fun for the person,"

Daisy rested her chin on her hands, looking down at the book, "So? How is it done?"


Jimin slowly withdrew from Bee's clenching core and had to stop himself from collapsing on top of her. Instead, he fell to her side, trembling almost as much as she was.

He slowly extended his arm and Bee immediately responded, lifting her head and rolling onto her side so she was flush against his body.

Her skin was hot but not unpleasant and Jimin's heart swelled as he realised just how perfectly she fit in his arms. He wasn't as large as the wolves of her pack, but he was still bigger than Bee, which for some reason made him feel strong and worthy of protecting her.

Not that she needed it. He wasn't quite sure where that thought came from.

Bee sighed happily, her eyes closed as she snuggled in closer, despite the sheen of sweat on his skin.

"I never thought sex could be like that," Jimin mumbled, a little embarrassed, once he caught his breath.

Bee hummed in reply, clearly exhausted.

Jimin cleared his throat, "Were they your first orgasms?" He asked, a little smug that he had made her climax the amount she did.

"Why do you say that?" Bee's body tensed a little in his arms.

"You seemed surprised," He replied, "Were they?"

After a moment, Bee nodded and Jimin felt his chest swell with pride and joy. The fact that he was the one who gave her such unparalleled pleasure made him want to do it all over again. After all, as her mate, it was his job to make Bee-

He jerked, once again surprised at his own thoughts. This time, however, Bee looked at him with her icy eyes as she was launched from him, held only in place by his arms.

She lifted an eyebrow in question and Jimin smiled sheepishly, "I know it's weird timing, but..." He trailed off, knowing his face was turning red. After clearing his throat, he tried again.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Bee's eyes widened and flashed to the dancing flames of oranges and reds as she looked away. Jimin could feel her skin growing hot but didn't want to let her go.

"Okay," She said quietly, lowering her head again. Her skin remained warm but not unbearably so and Jimin pulled her even closer, a grin forming on his face.

Her response wasn't 'romance movie' style, but that made it all that much better. She was obviously embarrassed and her answer was typical to her.



"Huh?" Cheng said, looking dumbly at Namjoon.

"Alpha is having sex with the human," Namjoon repeated, trying to remain calm - especially since Cheng was being so stupid.

"Yeah, I heard you," She waved him off, "I just don't know what the big deal is. If she wants some fun and she's happy, so what if she fucks the human?"

Namjoon sighed, "I thought you were smarter than this," He said, "She's a true Alpha. What if she decides she wants him as a mate? What if she gets pregnant?"

Cheng froze, her hand half way to the door handle that led to Hoseok's bedroom.

"Alpha isn't like that," She said quietly, "She cares for him, sure, but she won't mate him. She always said she won't have a proper mate because of-"

"Pack dynamics, I know," Namjoon said, "But what if she does?"

Cheng dropped her arm with a sigh, "It's not allowed," She said begrudgingly, "She can only mate with a wolf who is deserving of her,"

"Why?" Namjoon pressed, beginning to feel smug.

"It's the law," Cheng said through gritted teeth, "As her pack we would have to test him and kill him if he failed,"

"He wouldn't do anything but fail, he isn't wolf. We can't even test him," Namjoon resisted the urge to grin.

Cheng turned, growling at him, "Fuck off and go on patrol, Namjoon," She said, "I don't want to hear any more of this,"

Namjoon smiled and nodded, "Fine," He said, "But I will have to tell the whole pack,"

He turned and walked away, leaving Cheng to head into her mate's room to get some rest.


AN: please read my notice on my wall. Thanks

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