Two: Lift

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The classes had finally ended for the day and as usual, Taehyung quickly left, leaving Jimin and Yoongi to walk out to the carpark without him.

"Where did you park?"

"I walked," Yoongi replied to Jimin's question, "My car's not working. See you tomorrow,"

"Ah, I'll give you a lift," Jimin said quickly, "You live quite far and it's starting to snow,"

"You don't have to,"

"I want to," Jimin smiled and led Yoongi to his car, unlocking it so they could both get in. Once the doors were shut, he put the heating on full blast. However, just as he was about to reverse out of the spot, a group of people walked behind his car to get into the range rover parked beside him.

He felt a chill go down his spine as the icy-eyed blonde girl looked at him, turning her attention back to the car as she gracefully climbed in the back with the small girl and scary guy with her. One of the other boys climbed into the driver's seat, but Jimin hadn't seen other other girl or guys. Maybe they went in a different car?

"Are we going or...?" Jimin jumped when Yoongi spoke and cleared his throat.

"Sorry. I was just waiting for them to move," He put the car in gear and backed out of the space before beginning the drive to his friend's house.

"I wanted to ask something, if that's okay?" Jimin broke the silence as they left the college car park and Yoongi hummed.

"Is it about the group in our class?"

Jimin nodded sheepishly, "It's just... I'm pretty sure that one of them glared at Tae earlier. He was really adamant about staying away from them, too. I just want to know why,"

"Taehyung used to hang around with them," Yoongi stated, "He was dating Bee, I think,"

Jimin's eyes widened, "He used to be friends with them? What happened?"

"I don't know. When him and Bee broke up I guess he just didn't want to hang with them anymore. I don't know anything though, he won't talk about it,"

Jimin was silent for a moment, "So which one is Bee? Who is who?"

"Well I'll tell you, as long as you don't bring them up around Taehyung anymore,"

"I promise,"

"Okay. Bee is the blonde one. The leader or something. They always follow her around and listen if she speaks. The guy thats always beside her is Namjoon. He's super aggressive, so I'd just stay out of his way, if I were you. I think he is dating Bee now,"

"Noted," Jimin said, "Steer clear,"

"The girl with the long black hair who got into the car with them just now is Daisy. I think she's Bee's best friend. The guy who was driving was Jungkook. He's good at everything, especially fighting,"

Yoongi trailed off for a moment and Jimin glanced over at him, "Are you ok?"

"Ah, sorry," Yoongi cleared his throat, "I saw him in a fight once. It was terrifying. The other girl is Cheng. She can be nasty, too and seems to be close with one of the other guys; Hoseok. The last guy is Jin. He loves himself but he..."

Yoongi chuckled a bit, "Basically, they're all good in a fight and are aggressive, so you should stay away, just as Taehyung advised,"

"That's so weird," Jimin laughed a bit, "I never thought I'd see a bunch of bullies like that at college in this little town,"

"Bullies?" Yoongi said, "No they aren't. Stay out of their way and they leave you alone. They're dangerous but they don't really start things,"

The pair fell into silence as they reached Yoongi's home.

"Thanks for the lift, City Boy," He said as he climbed out.

"I can pick you up tomorrow if you want?" Jimin offered.

Yoongi smiled, "I'll get a lift from my parents to college. You can drive me home, though,"

He closed the door and headed to his house. Jimin pulled out into the road once Yoongi was inside, his mind reeling.

The group of students that they were discussing just seemed so weird. Everyone was scared of them, yet they weren't bullies. Taehyung told Jimin to stay away from them and that they were dangerous, but wouldn't tell him why.

The whole situation just didn't seem right to him.


AN: Sorry it's so boring! It'll liven up soon!

Also, sorry to @ChangMubs for adding you as a character without asking!

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