TwentyEight: Scent

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Namjoon was trying to rest but he couldn't. On the floor next to his bed one one of Bee's shirts from the one and only time that they had been intimate in his room.

Her scent was filling his nostrils and making him swell between his legs, but he only became more and more frustrated.

It was clear that the Alpha had done nothing with the human but seeing them so close made him angry. He growled out loud, rolling to the side and snatching the shirt ip off the floor, pressing it to his nose with a groan of frustration and anger.

He wanted her to himself but she couldn't see that he loved her. In a way, that was why Namjoon loved her so much.

Bee was powerful and strong. She showed barely any weakness and was cold and calculated. She showed no emotions, yet she was so hot in bed - in both ways. She was sexy and pretty and her wolf form was beautiful. Both her wolf and human sizes were perfect for being pinned underneath him as he moved inside of her.

Yet, even though they were so perfect together, she humiliated and demoted him. She rejected him for a human. A weak, pathetic human.

Still, her scent was driving him mad. He slid his hand down his unclothed body to grip himself, only to be interrupted by the Alpha's call.

Everyone in the mail hall immediately.

There were further instructions for Jungkook to remain by the door of the captive wolf and Hoseok to stay outside on guard but Namjoon didn't pay much attention to that.

He was aching but didn't have time to sort himself out so instead pulled on a pair of boxers and sweatpants and went down to answer Bee's call.

Namjoon was the last to enter the room and was surprised to see both human males sat on the sofa.

The newer human, Yoongi, looked at him with lazy eyes, before turning back to Bee, "Can we start now? I still have work to do,"

A chorus of growls sounded around the room at his rudeness to the Alpha, but Bee hushed them quickly.

"You can go when we are done," She stated, turning to Daisy, "Tell everyone what you told me,"

Daisy nodded, "Yoongi discovered why the pack want the medallion and Alpha," She said, "To sum it up, they want to take her power for their Alpha, but the only way his body will accept the power is for a sacrifice to be made,"

"What kind of sacrifice?" Cheng spoke, "I will not let them harm Alpha,"

"Obviously if they take her power she will die," Yoongi sighed, "But that's not the sacrifice. Two female wolves will need to hold down a human woman who has fallen in love with that Alpha while he cuts out her heart. Then he will place the heart over his and press the medallion to it. If he's strong enough, he will get Bee's powers and life force,"

More snarls sounded but once again Bee hushed them, turning to Taehyung.

"And you said we have a problem?" She asked.

Both he and Jin looked horrified as Taehyung nodded.

"We know who the Alpha is," He said, his eyes flickering to Jimin, "And we know who the sacrifice will be,"

"Spit it out, then," Namjoon grumbled, feeling irritated from just being close to Jimin.

"Wonho is the Alpha," Jin said, also turning to look at Jimin, "Which means your sister is the sacrifice,"


"Any news?" Wonho was angry. Kihyun had gone missing days ago and none of his wolves were competent enough to find him.

Jooheon lowered his head, "I'm sorry, Alpha,"

"Fucking useless," Wonho snarled at him, "Get out of my sight,"

Jooheon quickly scrambled away and the Alpha looked down to his feet, where his two females were sitting, holding onto his legs.

"Kaleigh, Denyi," He addressed them, reaching down to gently tuck their hair behind their ears, "I have a job for you both,"

Both females trembled a little, frightened of their Alpha, but still loyal.

"I am assuming that the fire bitches pack have Kihyun, so you will need to find him for me and get information. You know what to do,"

"Yes, Alpha," They both replied at the same time before standing and walking from the room.

Wonho turned his attention to the last wolf remaining inside, "Shownu, I want you to protect and watch Hana. Nobody from that pack gets near her, understand?"

Shownu nodded, "Yes, Alpha," He replied, before quickly following the females from the room.

Wonho relaxed back into the chair. The other pack was weak and naive, so it wouldn't be long before he was ready to put his plan into action.

The only problem was their fire bitch Alpha. But even then, he could easily overpower her. She hadn't had to fight for anything in her life.

He had.


AN: congrats to Kaleigh (:

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