Chapter 4

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' Every novel I read, each claims their different definition of love, and every time I wonder how a simple word made of four letters can have so many different meanings. Every time with different claims I get more into this, my curiosity increases, with every different story I read, but in reality, I have never seen the Purest form of Love or anything near to it.

I always tried to find the love of those beautiful novels in real life, in every couple around me but found nothing. Till fifteen, I tried to relate my father with different characters, tried to portray the relation between my mother and father with those lovely characters of William Shakespeare, Emily Brontë, Jane Austen and many more authors. When I turned fifteen, the idea of love in my mind started to change. It is not like I don't believe in love, of course, I do but at that time I was able to see the different forms of love, to illustrate,
1. The love of my mother for my dad, for a person who gave her nothing, just pain and humiliation.
2. The love of my dad for his money and reputation
3. The love of aunt Jenny who married my uncle Zed for his big bungalow and money. And most importantly her love for a lavish life. Uncle Zed who sleeps with a different woman every week.

And many other forms like this are there, trust me it's a never-ending list. Some of them are just giving and some are just taking. Somewhere deep inside my chest, there is a hole, I literally want to see, I am curious to see the passion of LOVE between two different souls who love unconditionally with every fibre of their own self, without any greed, without any conditions. As the most famous quotes by Emily Brontë " Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same ". There could be people somewhere in the world who are still fortunate enough to see, to feel the purest form of love but not me. '
( Thoughts )

10 August

Day after day, these stoned buildings surrounded by beautiful gardens are becoming my friends. I parked my car in the parking lot and gathered my stuff for the first lecture, luckily I am having some time before the lecture starts so now I can go spend a few minutes in this beautiful garden near the parking lot. I started to walk towards the garden, and it is full of beautiful flowers, nature has it's own language but most of the people find it difficult to understand. These beautiful flowers with tiny rain droplets on their delicate petals and those little butterflies flying from one flower to another in search of sweet nectar & helping them in pollination, millions of microbes and thousands of tiny insects mulching the little grains of soil, helping these beautiful plants to grow and bloom into the mesmerizing form of life the beginning of life, I wonder how can anyone not understand their language, their beauty or their eternal love.
" Pretty lady! You are looking for someone? " a voice interrupting my thoughts, I turned around and see an old man carrying some gardening tools in his hands, walking towards me, " No!, I mean no I am just looking. Umm m just about to go for my class, " I replied with a shaky voice.
" These flowers are pretty, Aren't they?" The old man's voice is full of confidence, I can see the kindness in his eyes, he knows that I was looking and admiring the beauty of this garden.
" Yes, they are" I replied. " Well I am Ben, I look after these gardens " his kind gesture reflects his love for nature, " if you want, you can help me watering these flowers, although Washington is a rainy place still it hasn't rained in last 36 hours, signs of climate change " his voice is soft and humble, I have never seen any man like him, " Umm, yeah I would love to but I have to go for my class, " I really want to help him, he is looking tired and working at this old age is something not so easy, he is in his early 50's, I guess. " I am Anna, I can come in break if you want," I quickly said, I don't want to sound rude, " you can come anytime, Anna, there are many gardens in this campus, each with a variety of plant life " he smiled and moved towards the faucet and started watering plants.

Hey Everyone, Thank you for voting and reading my story, it really means a lot to me. 🥰 This story is based on real-life experiences, and it is a little long sorry about it. Please, Feel free to share your opinions. 😊

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