Chapter 1

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4 August 2014

Anna! Baby wake up" My mother called me.
"Yes, I am up" I replied.
Today is my first day in this small town far away from my fancy, modern and big city life. Honestly, I am not excited at all. Well, it's the orientation day of my new college. I barely slept last night maybe it's because of this new bed or a new house or maybe I just hate this place.
"Honey, we are leaving at nine because Justin can't miss his school so we need to reach home before evening," My mother told me and went to wake Justin. Justin is my younger brother he is 10 and incredibly intelligent just like my father.
"I am going to take your guitar Anna" Justin laughed. "I will never let that happen" I replied. Giggles. We spent the last ten minutes together and they are ready to leave.
"Goodbye, Anna! Promise me you will take care of your self !" My mother started crying. "I will mom, please don't make this more difficult for me" I replied and ran to the room. I took my clothes and went to take a shower. I don't want Justin to see my tears, I don't want anybody in this world to see my tears. I don't want him to know anything. I am wearing a formal navy blue dress gifted by my mother with open straight long brown hair touching my lower back.
Washington Central University is one of the most famous Universities in the state of Washington for Engineering studies. Hundreds of students are sitting in a big auditorium, listening carefully to coordinators, rushing to explore the campus and so on ... I guess maybe I am the only one in this entire building who doesn't have any sort of excitement in this college event. I don't know if I will be able to give my hundred per cent or not. I collected my schedule from the admission department and left early for the new house which is basically not new, as it is just another house in my father's collection but the least fancy. After dinner, I decided to unpack my bags and started putting the things in my new closet, shoes in drawers and books on the bookshelf. Books have always been my best friends in this lonely world. I would rather prefer to be surrounded by books than humans. I arranged my things quickly and jumped into the bed with my deep thoughts.

5 August 2014

I wake up early today because I don't want to be late for my first lecture. I rushed towards my closet, take out another new dress gifted by my mother from my collection and started the shower. It's 8:45 AM and I am standing in front of the college, what I can see here is hundreds of students mainly boys rushing here and there with their friends, all talking about their ideas of physics, theories, experiments and mechanics. I remembered a quote "The number of boys in any engineering college is five times more than the girls" and it's clear now. A question strikes my mind again " why are you here Anna?" I shake my head and ignored everything running in my mind.
The first corridor is full of students basically full of freshers of different streams, I looked into my schedule and checked my first lecture room and it is "D301". I reached the class and find a seat near to the professor's desk. "Professor Edward" he introduced himself " I am a physicist and I am going to teach you the fundamentals of physics this semester. As this is the first day of you wonderful students, so we should start introducing ourselves one by one" he smiles with his soft voice and green sparkling eyes, he turns towards me as I am sitting nearer to him and alone too as I am not having any friends and I don't want any new people in my life at all honestly.
" Miss! May I know your name?" He says with his polite smile.
" I am Anastasia Johnson" I replied. "So Anastasia, tell us something about you! " he standing in front of me leaning towards his desk.
"I am from Seattle, and.." I fumble and realised that the moment Seattle came out of my mouth everyone turned towards me and I found everyone staring me as if I have come from any other planet or I look like an alien or they want to know why I moved to this small town however I could continue my studies in a place like Seattle, a place with thousands of opportunities than this place.
"And? " he asked.
"And I have shifted here in my old family house day before yesterday" I answered.
"So what brings you here? " he questioned me again and this time I am blank my face is pale and I don't want Anyone to know the reason behind this.
"I.. I wanted to study here, it is the best place for engineering" I lied and I am sure he is experienced enough to read facial expressions.
Professor Edward turned towards the other students and this continued for the rest of the time.
In every lecture, teachers repeated the same task and every time I was surrounded by the same question "Why this rural campus of WCU?". After four continuous lectures, I went to a coffee shop and on my way to the coffee shop, I heard a voice behind me. "Anna" a girl standing near me with a round face, a soft smile on her face. "Hi, I am Veronica" she introduced herself and continued "we are in the same class, computer major". "Hello, nice to meet you" I smiled and turned towards the coffee shop.
"You are going for coffee?" I asked.
"Yes," she replied."Great" I said. She looks humble, the way she smiles, her warmth smile reminds me of my mother it feels like she is someone like my mother wise and humble. I shake my head and pushed every thought coming in my brain.
She accompanied me during the rest of the day, I don't know why? But she did.
It looks like I have a new friend.
After the classes, I rushed towards the parking lot, jumped into my car and drive towards the home.
So the day ended, I gathered my stuff for tomorrow and fell asleep while reading my favourite book "Pride and Prejudice".

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