Chapter 3

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" Anna! You need to come home this weekend, your DAD has organized a party to celebrate the success of his new Automobile company, I wanted to talk to you on call but I am busy in preparation. Sorry Honey, make sure you leave tomorrow morning and reach home before evening. Love you." message from my mother. " okay mom, love you too " I replied.

My life has never given me choices, I was always surrounded by show-off people in their fancy branded dress, talking about their expanding businesses all around the world, with a glass full of expensive wine in their hands. And I always felt like an old, ugly wooden chair which is mistakenly kept in a room full of fancy furniture, yeah it sounds awkward but honestly, that's how I felt. From the very initial year's of my teenage life, I knew that I am not one them, neither I can be, no matter how much I force myself. So I decided to keep a distance, although I was always physically present in those parties with my parents but not mentally. When I was thirteen I started reading books and realised that is my comfort zone, I never had many friends in school too. When I started digging into the different books I used to get emotionally attached to the characters of stories and it was always so comforting.

7 August

" Hey Veronica, I am not coming college today, I have to go back home for the weekend, So will you please let me know about the assignments and other things?" I texted Veronica to make sure I won't miss anything important.

The drive was not so boring because I like spending time alone and this new car gifted by my Dad is pretty smooth although I have no interest in cars. I know that I can not argue with my Dad and refuse to come to the party. After all his status, reputation and show-off is a thousand time more important than any other shit. The weekend was okay, I spent time with Justin, he likes my company. He doesn't speak much just like I don't, he also enjoys reading, simply he is just another version of me. Now it's time to leave for college.

9 August

I reached home around 5 PM on Sunday. I kind of like this place more than my Dad's house, at least I don't need to pretend here like someone I am not, neither I need to worry about wearing pretty dresses with brushed hairs all the time, ahh this is more relaxing.
"Hey Anna, we are going for the outing today, you wanna come with us?" My phone beeps with a message from Veronica. It's the college life, real college life, people going out with their friends for parties, chilling out and all.
" Sorry, actually I do have some other things to do and I have just reached home" I replied.
After refusing Veronica for the party, I decided to get some grocery and went to the nearby store. On my way back home, I decided to have coffee from a roadside coffee shop named "Bobs". The shop is small but elegant and the vibe is amazing, light music, turquoise coloured walls with white furniture and beautiful plants. I decided to sit on the table near the window, placed my bags on the table and dived into the ocean of my thoughts admiring the beautiful place.
" Hello! Miss Seattle " a voice interrupted my thoughts, this voice is familiar I realised, I turned around and saw the same boy is standing behind my chair looking at me.
" Hi!" I replied in an awkward way.
" Sorry to disturb you miss Seattle, are you waiting for someone? " He asked.
" No, Actually I am just having coffee and my name is Anna, " I replied in annoyance.
" Anna, I am Nick, So you are alone, do you mind if I join you? " he said softly, his accent is so thick and so different, his eyes continuously digging into mine, I couldn't speak so I nodded. He sat and placed his gym bag on the table and asked: "you don't like when I call you, Miss Seattle? ".
" Anna is better " I replied.
" Actually, I didn't know your name, I tried to find out but no one knows either, " his voice is mysterious, he continued "I tried to find you on Facebook too" he mumbled, anxiety was clear on his face, " I don't use social media" I answered, " I think I should go now" I grabbed my bags and rushed towards the billing counter. He followed me " Anna, wait! I wanna ask you something" he squeaks, " can I walk with you? These bags are heavy, aren't they?". I nodded and we walked towards my home.
" Where have you been yesterday? I was looking for you? " his questions are annoying and he is so noisy. " Umm, why were you looking for me? " I cross-questioned.
"Forget it, so you are coming tonight for the party." He asked.
" Oh No, I don't go to parties" well I am a pathetic lair. I took my bags and turned towards my home to unlock the door. "You should come, " he suggested.
" Maybe next time, thank you for helping me with bags, " I moved towards the door to skip the further conversation.

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