CH.42 Burn it all

Start from the beginning

"No," Mavi shook her head.

"Don't argue," Exton gripped her hands tightly. "Think of Owen. He will be next to you. If the situation gets too crazy, you get him and yourself out of there."

"I don't u-"

"There is a possibility Azazel is there," Exton said slowly. He gave his sister a minute or two for the words to sink in.

"What?" Mavi asked, her heart pounding.

"It's not confirmed," Exton said. "But in case she is, get the hell out of there."

Mavi looked over at Owen and her heart almost stopped. She no longer argued as she accepted the ring and went back to stand next to him.

Two by two, everyone stepped through the portals and arrived on the fields outside of Arion's palace. Their footsteps were silent as the night as they entered the grounds and the teams split up.

Keep your links open at all times, Xavier told everyone. Do not engage unless you are attacked first.

Mavi and Owen listened to Xavier's words as they slowly moved down the empty halls of Arion's place. Other than the moonlight seeping in through the large glass windows, there was no other light. Mavi was astonished to see the usually lit glittering palace diminished to such darkness.

"Stay close," Owen whispered to her.

Mavi nodded as she followed him around a corner and down a set of stairs. Once they entered the open courtyard, the hairs on the back of her neck suddenly stood on it's ends.

Someone's here, Mavi mind-linked Owen.

Owen slowly pulled Mavi closer and looked into her eyes. They were hidden by the shadows of the large columns. Owen's wolf prowled in his head, waiting to get out.

Mavi and Owen stood still as rock, their eyes locked on each other, their senses on high alert.

Somewhere in the distance, someone took a deep breath. Mavi felt her shoulders tense as she heard the sound of string being pulled back.

In a split second, Mavi released her large wings and shielded Owen as an arrow flew through the cold night air and struck her scaled wing before bouncing off.

Owen's face twisted as he witnessed the flicker of irritation in Mavi's eyes. He growled as Mavi turned around and pressed her back against his back.

They stood back to back as their eyes scanned their surroundings. Mavi had her wings ready to cover them in case any more arrows flew through the air. She felt Owen tense as figures started emerging from the shadows.

I thought Pixies took the form of children, Mavi said in confusion as she watched the large muscly men step out of the shadows.

Seven and ten years olds can't really give a fair fight, Owen linked back. They probably changed forms.

These sneaky bitches.....

Just then, one of the now fully grown pixies lunged forward with a silver sword. Mavi ducked and shifted mid air as Owen did the same. They landed on the ground as wolf and dragon, lashing out without a moment's hesitation.

Mavi knocked the sword swinging pixie off his feet with her wing and forced him to retreat as she sent out a fall of flame at his feet. She turned around and saw one more charging at her with a dagger when suddenly Owen sunk his jaw into the pixie's leg and flung him across the courtyard.

Thanks, babe. Mavi linked him.

Anytime, princess.

Duck, Mavi commanded.

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