Ch.28 Ms.Dorin

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Chapter 28

After a stressful breakfast, Alec informed Mavi Frank wanted her to meet the pack. Since Xavier and Exton were hellbent on getting her act together, Frank thought it would be a great idea to set Mavi up with a job within the pack. He encouraged Owen to take her around and see where she would fit in best.

"I don't need a job," Mavi complained as she sat in the backseat of the jeep with Alec. Yara looked back from the front passenger seat and smiled.

"It'll be fun," she tried. "You'll have your own sense of independence."

Mavi rolled her eyes, "Thank you, Ms. America."

Alec chuckled next to Mavi, earning a stern look from Owen in the rearview mirror.

"So what do you like to do?" Yara tried to make conversation.

"I like to do hood-rat stuff with my hood-rat friends," Mavi looked away from the girl's perfect smile and focused on the road ahead.

Yara turned to look at Owen who shook his head sighing.

"She likes flying," he said. "And books."

"Maybe the library?" Yara suggested.

"Oh yes, sign me up," Mavi said with fake enthusiasm. "Maybe I'll meet a sexy professor with glasses who comes to get books and we share coffees and talk about Gatsby......You know I was told I didn't read it properly."

Owen glared at her in the mirror but Mavi ignored him. Yara was stunned by the girl's strange sense of humor. Suddenly, filling the car with her overly sweet melodious laugh.

"You are so precious," she said.

"Thank you," Mavi tossed her hair over her shoulder. "You heard that, Mr. Radacovick? I am Precious."

Owen shook his head in disbelief. Mavi was flying off the handle by the minute. She was like a tornado.... unpredictable, beautiful, and terrifying. And she was on a mission to prove her point.

As he pulled into the school parking lot, he caught a sight of her in the rearview mirror and his heart clenched. He remembered the way she had fit into his arms the night before. Her soft hair was like silk under his hands.

When Mavi sensed him looking, she lifted her gaze and Owen looked away. She smiled to herself as they got out of the car and made their way to the school building.

"This is my classroom," Yara said proudly as she talked everyone into a room filled with bright colors and little desks and chairs.

"Did a rainbow throw up in here?" Mavi asked, looking around.

"My theme this year is rainbow," Yara chirped.

"Lovely," Mavi said. Behind her, Alec tried to disguise a laugh as a cough.

Owen walked into the room and looked around as he shoved his hands into his jacket pocket. His eyes landed on the animal poster above Yara's desk and he smiled.

"You still have that?" He asked, pointing to the poster.

Yara followed his finger, "Of course."

Owen's smile grew wider, "I remember struggling with that thing. The tape wouldn't stick in the heat of the summer."

Yara laughed, "Thank god you were there to help."

Mavi narrowed her eyes as the two talked. Her mouth twitched as she glared at them with her arms folded across her chest. When she could take no more of Owen smiling at Yara using her favorite smile, she turned away to look at the back of the classroom. Her eyes immediately landed on a Roopcian proverb hanging by the door.

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