The Barrier

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By the time he stopped my running, I was exhausted and coughing up blood. Not good! The Con medic didn't care, though; the puppet show wasn't gonna end there!


"Wait, What's going on?! Why can't Optimus get through? " June anxiously asked.

They saw Optimus trying to break his way through but to no avail. "Is.. is that an invisible barrier? " Raf fixed his glasses as he saw the barrier momentarily become visible where the impacts of his attack made it vibrate.

"It seems that Knockout's come prepared this time...either that, or he's thoroughly gotten to her, and now she's lost hope of ever coming back." Ratchet replied.

"But what about how she reacted when I put her arms on it?" Raf picked up the car flipping it back over on its wheels. "She called my name."

"But then she lost connection with you..." Jack pointed out.

"Knockout must have deafened or even blinded her to our efforts...I've seen this once before during a Mnemosurgery. Normally these defenses are meant to protect the individual and keep all their memory bank intact, but since Knockout has control over her mind he's using this barrier to keep everything and everyone else out."The medic explained."He must have set it up when she reacted to your efforts."


"I have to commend you for being a resourceful"The Decepticon admitted."You have some very primitive techniques, but when these are applied by a Cybertronian, they are surprisingly effective."


Optimus started looking for a potential weakness in the barrier by way of beating on it. He too noticed it becoming temporarily visible and exploited this feature as he was going around its perimeter.

It took him a few, but he came across the yellow vehicle (or what was left of it) , just outside of the barrier. It has been crushed (again) but most peculiar was how he could hear it emitting sounds. He picked up the pieces and listened closer...

{"But then she lost connection with you..."}

["Not quite, Jack..."] Optimus thought. He stored the pieces away and checked for any remainders...There was one piece on the ground, and he went after it. He tried picking it up, but it wouldn't budge!

"That's odd." The prime thought out loud and felt that the barrier seemed to be pinning it down.


.:"Hey, he's found something!":. Bumblebee pointed out. They saw how Optimus was trying to pick up a small yellow piece of plastic off the ground.

"Oh for the love of Primus, worry about littering later!" Ratchet complained.

"No, No! Look..."Rafael said. They saw how the Autobot leader was knocking on the barrier again. "Is's a weakness!"


The Con medic proceeded to tell me how he threw himself into the arm of one Decepticon, effectively knocking them over. How he hopped onto the head of another, forcing the bot to collapse to the floor! Even his friend Breakdown was not spared! However, after an almost endless struggle, they were finally able to slap some cuffs on all of his extremities for good measure!


Prime saw it too: "Yes, I've noticed Rafael."

Optimus Prime's unusual ChargeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora