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Meanwhile on the nemesis, Knockout seemed to be acting weird again.

This started yesterday morning when he started displaying very weird movements, which were slowly chipping away at the nerves of Megatron while he was at it.

This warranted another day locked up in quarantine, lest he hurt himself and others. IF they could catch him...

For starters he started taking random walks around the ship, ending up in strange locations all throughout and not remembering walking there in the first place!

One time he was busily welding injuries on the troopers, when suddenly he got the urge to run out the Medbay for no good reason and started storming down the hall! Even knocking down several other drones on his way to 'who knows where'. Once he managed to get control of his body again, he found himself having to walk all the way back.

All this kept repeating several times over in the middle of procedures of all kinds, which left poor Breakdown to finish the job up to the best of his abilities! It was as if there was an invisible force tugging at Knockout from all sides, and making it particularly hard for him to do his work, as well as getting caught to be shoved in the cell in the first place.

After he caught wind of this, Megatron had ordered him to get better control of his actions as soon as possible so they could move on to the next plan to lure out and capture Zucky, but kept finding his medic anywhere and everywhere but his post! Either personally, or through Soundwave finding out when Megatron ordered him to keep an optic on Knockout.

After so many attempts to control himself and failing to deliver, the guards managed to get Knockout locked up, as per Megatron's orders, but somehow; Primus only knows how, but he managed to escape his cell!

With Megatron promising to have their heads mounted on the walls of his throne room, the drones scrambled all over the Nemesis in search of Knockout. When they did find him though, this was met with some pretty creative resistance as the medic dished out some very primitive moves for a Cybertronian, but it got the job done!

He threw himself into the arm of one, knocking him over. Then he hopped onto the head of another, forcing the bot to collapse to the floor! Once that one was down, he went for Breakdown's shoulder. The blue boy having since finished his work in the Med bay, was ordered to come help out as some serious backup was required.

*Grunt* "Gotcha! Now please, just let yourself be locked up, Knocks...It's for your own good, and ours!" Breakdown tried reasoning with Knockout.

"I'm trying to, but it's like I'm being controlled somehow!" The Medic struggled to get his words out.

When Breakdown tried grabbing him off his shoulder pad to get him into the cell, Knockout crawled to his backstrut and clung on!

"Hey! What the?!" The blue bot exclaimed.

The red bot then climbed back up and hopped off his head. This went on and on; taking down the drones without meaning to, scampering and hopping from place to place like a certain monstrosity they all knew and hated...

With their poor chassis' aching because of a full sized Cybertronian jumping onto their shoulders as if he was a servo-sized fleshling, they finally were able to slap some cuffs on all of his extremities for good measure!

Dragging his sorry skid plate all the way to the heelstruts of their Lord Megatron, they tossed him at his peds and awaited further orders, half wishing it involved them kicking the living daylights out of the medic for putting them through all sorts of trouble!

"You deliberately disobeyed my orders again and again; making a mockery of my authority while you're at it...What do you have to say for yourself, Knockout?" Megatron asked.

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