He started acting unnatural as if he didn't want to tell me the reason. 

"Look, I don't want you to think that I'm using you, but at the same time I don't want to lie to you" he blabbered.

I just stared at him, waiting for him to keep talking.

"I want love" he started "I'm sure you know me as this crazy player that can't be bothered to settle, but I truly believe that it's because I haven't found the one yet" he admitted 

"And how is playing at the festival is going to change anything ?" I asked. 

"Peach" he said as if I was supposed to understand everything.

"She's the most perfect girl I've ever met" he carried on "she's one of the Top 3 of our school"  he said as a matter of fact.

I felt my heart aching a bit.

"So do you guys get along well?" I asked not sure that I wanted to hear the answer. 

"To be honest, we've never really spoke"

Wait what

"So you think she's the one" I exclaimed "but you don't know anything about her ?" I continued flabbergasted.

"She's so hot man, you can't understand" he said sipping on his drink.

What does that make me ? The other man?

After lunch, I head back to my place, a lot happened tonight and I felt like a whole week had gone by.

The words Tine said kept floating in my head, and to be honest it doesn't surprise me that much, he's a simple guy and his logic suits him, so now either I'll stop this nonsense, and just move on with my life, or I take this as an opportunity.  

He wants love right.

I'll give him love. 

Tine POV: 

Now that I think abut it, I've never really spoke with Sarawat that much, we almost had a decent conversation, I gotta admit that he was a good listener.

I don't quite remember the last time I felt so free talking to somebody, like I could say anything to him.

'Bring you arse out, tonight we go drinking' - Ohm. 

This guy is going to beat the death out of me, a heartbreak is really bad right, for that I'm glad that I've never been in love.

I got myself ready and was on my way to our usual bar. 

I wonder if Wat' will be there tonight

That'll be nice

Wait why am I thinking about that, I need a drink, our little sessions are really making me feel strange. 

The bar was packed even tho it was a week day, lots of girls, guys, loud music it was chaos. 

Ohm was flirting with some girl and I was on my phone scrolling through apps. 

'listen to it, it's for our next practice' - Wat

He just sent me some music sheets to read. This guy is so boring. 

Thinking about it he does live quite close to this bar, and I know for a fact that he was still awake.... 

Sarawat POV:

I was just reading some random sheets and tought that they were pretty easy, so I sent them to Tine. 

I wonder what he might be doing. 

Teacher's Pet : Sarawat / TineWhere stories live. Discover now