Chapter 11-All I Know Is A New Found Grace

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I slammed the book shut, my heart hammering wildly. Finally, finally, the pieces of the puzzle were starting to fall in place.

It all made sense now. Why my hip sometimes throbbed exactly where Naomi had injured herself, why there was a small part of me that always wanted to fight back, and why I carried a flaming torch for the very man she was in love with.

It was as if she was stuck inside me, fighting her way out day by day, constantly kicking ass and sneering at the elite crowd I lived among.

My head throbbed as I turned off the lights in my room. Without Naomi, who was I? A stumbling, stuttering, unsure girl, forcing herself to fit in a society where she didn't belong. For some reason, that thought broke me and I collapsed into sobs, my salty tears staining the pillow as I finally feel asleep.

It felt like I'd barely closed my eyes before Kayal's shrill voice jerked me awake.

" Get up, get up, get up! It's time for school," She ripped the blankets off me," Your Day 1 of public humiliation begins today!"

Truer words had never been spoken.

Groaning, I heaved myself out of bed and stumbled into the shower, going through my morning routine like a zombie. When I reached the part where I usually blow-dried my hair, I stopped and frowned at my reflection in the mirror.

Naomi had been proud of her hair, wild and feral as it was.

I owed it to her to be proud of mine too.

Dumping the hair-dryer in the sink, I grinned and headed downstairs, feeling the curly locks bounce on my shoulders in approval.

The second I reached the school campus, Shivani sidled up to me with a wicked gleam in her eye.

" It looks like you burnt off a few fingers and forgot to do your hair," She said.

" Thankfully, I don't need all ten fingers to show you what I'm thinking."

I flipped her off and stalked away, leaving her with her mouth hanging open. My heart was practically jumping out of my chest; never in my life had I stood up to someone like that. I'd taken the insults and gossip quietly all these years, plastering a smile on my face and being the perfect daughter my parents had molded me into.

I was sick and tired of perfect.

I had barely reached my classroom when my chaperone showed up, dressed up like a damn Christmas tree. Her top was so low-cut it had to be illegal, and she was drawing the eyes of all the male teachers who passed by. Even the married ones.

" Hey," She simpered," Your mother has put me in charge of you for the next two weeks. We're going to have so much fun-"

Before she could finish, Aidan stepped out from the class, and my breath caught.

Only he could make a school uniform look like this month's issue of Vogue. His hair was artfully messy, and his silvery gaze was both hungry and broken as he stared at me. To everyone else, he might have looked like a vision of perfection, but I noticed the hard line of his jaw and the way he was clenching his fists so tight the knuckles were practically white.

He needed me, just like I felt a part of me was drowning without him.

The chaperone's gaze darted rapidly between us, and I could practically see her pea-sized brain put two and two together.

She cleared her throat," Aidan, I think it's best if you go back into class."

" Classes haven't started yet," He didn't take his eyes off me.

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