Chapter 8- I'm Free To Be The Greatest, I'm Alive

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My mother yelled at me for the next two hours, but all her harsh words were falling on deaf ears. It was hard enough breaking things off with Aidan, but now I wasn't allowed to talk to him anymore? I didn't think I could handle that.

And to add to my misery, I'd also have a chaperone at school? That would be so, so embarrassing. My cheeks flamed with hurt and anger and shame. In one evening, it felt like everything good in my life had fallen apart.

I skipped dinner, instead choosing to retreat to the safety and comfort of my bedroom, where I kicked off my shoes and grabbed my book. Nothing like delving into someone else's life to forget the troubles of your own.

I opened the book and started to read.

Naomi's legs burned with exhaustion and sweat slicked her skin, but Evan wasn't letting her off her training any time soon. He made her twist and kick and punch, all the while calmly observing her movements and making adjustments.

" Come on!" She groaned finally, nestling her sore arm close to her chest," It is only my first training session! Can't you go easy on me?"

His reply only infuriated her more. " Do you think the enemy will go easy on you if it's your first day?"

She mumbled a curse under her breath, and he threw her a half-smile. Sometimes he did that while she was practicing and she would get distracted  by his lips, by the way his mouth quirked up slightly at the corner. She liked being the reason for his smile.

" Stand in front of me," He ordered, and she obeyed. Evan was probably the only person in the entire kingdom who could tell her to do something without getting punched in the face.

She flipped her ponytail over one shoulder and took her place on the mats.

" Now attack me," He said.

" What?" She wasn't sure she heard him properly.

" Attack me," He repeated.

" No, I got that. But I don't really want to."

" You didn't seem to have much of an issue with that back in the Forest."

She blushed, not missing the teasing note in his voice. He was all business most of the time, but sometimes when he let his guard slip she caught a glimpse of the Evan under the stoic Protector. An Evan who made her blush and smile.

" I don't want to hurt that pretty face," Naomi replied, her heart beating faster.

" I assure you, you don't have to worry about that," He shot back wryly.

" Suit yourself."

Throwing her weight forward, she lunged toward him, planning to knock him onto his back. But he was fast. Oh, so fast. He slipped out of reach at the last second, reaching out to steady her before she crashed headfirst into the floor. Grabbing the opportunity Naomi twisted her hips, planning to throw him off, but she tripped over her feet at the last second. She went down, pulling him with her.

Instinct told her he could've probably broken the hold if he wanted to, but he encircled his arms around her to cushion her fall. Breathing hard and fast, she realized how close they were to each other, their bodies aligned perfectly on the mat. She could feel his heartbeat against hers, steady and reassuring.

" That- that was such a big fail on my part," She breathed.

" You were barely trying," He retorted.

" How do you know?" 

It was somewhat true; she couldn't bring herself to attack him, even though she knew he was stronger and faster than anybody else in the kingdom.

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