Chapter 6- You're My Kryptonite

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After he hung up, I threw back the duvet and climbed out of bed. I had half an hour to make myself look as presentable as possible. Hell, if this was a date, and I was pretty sure it was, I needed to look better than just presentable.

I stood in front of the mirror and sighed. Wild curls and puffy, sleep-ridden eyes stared back at me.

Sexy. Not.

" KAYAL!" I shouted.

She appeared at the doorway, looking alarmed," Is everything okay? Is your head hurting-"

Catching sight of my expression, she stopped mid-sentence and grinned, realizing what the issue was without me having to say anything.

" You really don't look that bad," She commented.

" That bad? So I do look sort of bad?"

" I mean, it's inner beauty that counts so-"

I chucked another pillow at her and she deftly caught it, still chuckling.

" Why does it matter anyway? You're sitting at home,"She reasoned, twirling one iron-straight lock of hair around her finger.

" No, Aidan is picking me up in half an hour."

I didn't even know where he was going to take me, so what was I supposed to wear? It'd be extremely embarrassing if he whisked me off to the Bowling Alley when I was dressed up in a black dress and cute kitten heels or something. I wished I could ask my mother for help, but letting her know I was going on a date was out of the question.

" You might want to have a bath first. You smell," Informed my younger sister helpfully.

I threw her a venomous glare and sniffed my armpit, reluctantly admitting she was right.

" You're disgusting," She added before exiting the room, leaving me with an overwhelming need to punch her.

After a quick shower, I threw on jeans and a tight full-sleeved top. In Siwan, any item of clothing above the knee was basically considered naked. After mussing with my hair and then realizing it was never going to stay in place on its own, I grabbed a hairdryer to blow-dry it straight.

Standing in front of the long mirror, I sighed again. Even with the whole makeover, I knew I wasn't anyone's definition of characteristically beautiful. My nose was too large, my jaw way too prominent and sharp, and my eyes were a muddy shade of brown.

Oh, well, we all work with what we've got right?

Aidan was already pulling up in the driveway when I arrived at the front porch.

" Hey! My mom doesn't know you drive! Let's keep it that way, alright?" I scrambled into the seat beside him, grinning widely.

He just stared at me.

The grin slipped off my face," What?"

" What did you do to your hair?" He asked abruptly.

Self-consciously, I reached up to touch it. The soft strands slipped between my fingers, spilling over my shoulders to my waist. I thought the blow-dry looked great.

Apparently, Aidan didn't agree with my views.

" What happened to all the curls?" He demanded, almost accusingly.

" I blow-dryed it, Aidan."

" Why?"

" Because I thought it'd look nice."

He shook his head, before starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

" How long will the curls take to come back?"

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