Chapter 4-Starting Right Now, I'll Be Strong

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While I was busy staring at Evan like an open-mouthed idiot, he didn't even acknowledge my existence. All his attention was focused on the girl standing beside him, who's auburn hair clashed magnificently  with her caramel skin. Her wrists were bound behind her back using silver chains, her eyes were blindfolded, and the clothes she had on were matted and bloody. My gaze fell to her neck and, there it was, glittering innocently at me. The necklace.

She was surrounded by what I assumed were guards, who looked stone-faced and expressionless as if they hadn't just tied up a young girl. Her chin was raised in defiance, her stance tall and proud. In my heart, I knew this girl wasn't just some victim; she was a fighter.

I was standing in what looked like a Royal Court, and something about it was familiar as well. That was strange, since I was sure this was the first time I'd been here, and yet I loathed the glittering statues and golden chairs.

"Well, well, well," Crooned a cold, high voice, sending unpleasant shivers down my spine. I shrank back instinctively and Evan stiffened," Look who it is. Little Naomi, all grown up. You look just like your mother."

The girl's hands shook behind her back, but somehow I knew it wasn't from fear," You killed her. I'll kill you-"

One of the Guards stomped on her foot, and Naomi screamed. Evan moved at lightning speed; he shoved the Guard aside and grabbed her arm before she could fall, before twisting around to knock the weapon out of the Guard's hands.

"We do not treat our prisoners that way," He said in a low, deadly voice, and the Guard gulped with fear, retreating backwards.

The cold voice continued to speak, saying all sorts of horrible things," It was your fault, you know. Both your parent's deaths. They died protecting you, and why? Because you couldn't defend yourself." The voice paused, and a laugh echoed throughout the Court; it was bitter and empty and humorless. It was the laugh of someone with no heart.

Naomi's hands were shaking furiously now, and Evan's eyes grew darker by the second. I could tell he was having a hard time keeping his face expressionless.

My heart twisted at what the voice said next.

" Their deaths were pointless, because I got you in the end too. And now you will die at my hands. Just like they did."

Naomi's foot lashed out, and the Guard beside her got his legs knocked out from underneath him. He crashed to the ground in a heap.

" You know, I'm blindfolded and I still managed to knock out this doofus," Said Naomi loudly,"What makes you think I can't fight you too and win?"

I could tell Naomi had a bad case of not being able to keep her mouth shut. From the darkest corner of the Court she appeared, looking every bit as horrific as her voice sounded. Skin stretched across bone, she looked gaunt and pale and dead. Her mouth was a thin black slit, her head gleaming and bald, covered with tattoos of serpents. But it was those eyes that frightened me the most; they were completely black, with white irises. I shivered and hoped she wouldn't notice me, the way nobody else had.

The Queen's mere presence made everyone at Court sink to their knees, everyone except Evan and Naomi. And me, but I wasn't really counted.

" Do you know what happens to people who defy me, child?" Asked the Queen.

Before Naomi could reply, the tyrant raised her hand and a bolt of magic shot out, striking the chest of the Guard who Naomi had knocked out. There was a blinding white flash, and the space where he had been was now empty. The stench of scorched skin filled the air.

I wanted to throw up.

" That is what happens," Said the Queen, sounding smug.

Naomi gritted her teeth," You can't kill me."

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