Chapter 7- Let Me Let You Go

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The Queen? Were my ears working properly?

Just hearing her name on his lips made me freeze with terror. This was no hallucination; I couldn't convince myself that the terrible scene taking place in front of me wasn't real.

The sword pressed further into Aidan's neck, and little scarlet beads rolled down the shiny surface of the metal. His blood.

" Look, mate, do whatever you want to me. Just let her go," He reasoned, still sounding level-headed and sane, a remarkable feat considering the position he was in. I'd be begging for my life if I was him. The very thought made me a small part of me disgusted, a part which would rather die than plead mercy at anyone's feet. I wanted to give in to that part, but I was too afraid at the moment.

" We don't want anything to do with you. Or the Bandit," The goon holding Aidan leered at me," Give us the necklace, and we shall be on our way."

" Did you seriously just use the word shall? Which century are you from?" Grunted Aidan, his eyes quicksilver. 

He was in pain; I could see it in the flare of his nostrils and the tension in his shoulders, but I could do absolutely nothing.

" Careful with your words boy," Sneered the man," One slip, one tiny slip of my sword, and you will not live to see another dawn."

Unbelievably, Aidan's lips twitched with what seemed close to amusement.

" Seriously, man, who was your English teacher? I bet she-" He broke off and muffled a cry as the sword sliced over his shoulder, drawing more blood. The goon released him and watched in sick satisfaction as he fell to his knees. When he looked back up at me, his silver-eyes were devoid of the emotion and warmth I usually associated with them. If the goon kept hurting him, I was certain I could never live with myself.

" Stop!" I cried, finding my voice at last. Every single eye turned towards me. My heart thudded with fear, but I kept reminding myself that I was doing this to save Aidan.

I had to save him.

" We'll give you the necklace! Just stop hurting him!" I said desperately, tears burning my eyes.

The goon looked surprised," Well, that was relatively simple. Wouldn't have expected that from someone like you."

" What the hell do you mean?"

He eyed me, seeming to decide against answering my question. Aidan unfurled his closed fist, and the silver chain spilled out from his palm. Without further ado the goon grabbed it and roughly shoved Aidan towards me, before sliding the sword back into his waist-belt.

My heart was still in my throat. I'd never felt so unsafe in my entire sheltered life.

The goon's eyes seemed to glow in the gathering darkness as he turned to look at me," Consider this my warning to you. She is here, and she is always watching you. Give up this futile quest to remember your past. Nothing good shall come out of it."

With that, the six of them vanished into the shadows. His warning rang in my ears.

She is here, and she is always watching you.

There was absolutely no room for doubt in my mind about who he could be referring to. Only one 'she' could instill such fear in my heart and mind. I swallowed the huge lump that had built up in my throat, deciding I could worry about his cryptic warning later. Right now I had to make sure the boy standing behind me was alright.

I whipped around and faced Aidan, worry for him etched all over my face," Are you okay? I mean, obviously not, but you're not seriously injured or anything right? Do we need to go to a hospital now-"

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