Chapter 22-Dark Eyes

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Three people blocked our way. More importantly, three people I recognized, even though their eyes had been turned into empty sockets. They were Akira's classmates, but she had never really spoken to them. They were the nobodies, the students who lived on the fringes of Siwan's society. I think the most Akira communicated with them was to ask for a pencil during class.

They leaped forward, grabbing Aidan roughly.

" Hey!" I shouted," Let him go!"

One of them turned towards me, a boy with gelled hair and enormous glasses. I didn't really see the purpose in wearing them when he didn't have eyes.

" He told us you would come," He said in a raspy voice," And we weren't supposed to hurt you. He didn't say anything about your friend over here."

He could only mean one person. Evan. I shuddered, imagining him with white irises and snake tattoos.

" What are you going to do to me?" Taunted Aidan," Shoot laser beams out of your eyes? Oh, wait, you don't have any-"

He was cut off by the other burly guy, who socked him in the face. I didn't know who I wanted to punch more, Aidan or the boys who were hurting him. Couldn't he keep his mouth shut and be serious for once?

" Believe me," I said in a warning tone," You do not want to piss me off. I don't think your Master Gold will be very pleased if you upset me."

That got their attention. The last newcomer, a girl, nodded in agreement.

" Yeah, let him go," She said in a high-pitched, childish voice, and-god help me- was blushing as she stared at Aidan.

The guys reluctantly agreed, shoving Aidan back towards me, and I got the weirdest sense of déjà vu. They took their places on either side of us, removed whatever weapons we had on our bodies, and then we set off towards the main highway. Once we reached it, they piled us into a black SUV and Mr.Gelled Hair slid into the driver's seat.

He began chatting excitedly with the girl beside him.

" I just got two new followers on Instagram," He said proudly.

Was this dude for real?

" Awesome," She replied," How many do you have now?"

" 50," He announced grandly.

" That's a big number, man. Good job," Said Aidan, working to keep his face straight.

When we reached Evan's house, or rather the house he had stolen from some poor person who was probably homeless right now, Aidan was hauled away to his room. The girl dragged me up two flights of stairs and into a grand bedroom. Something about the entire house was oddly familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

" He will see you in a few minutes," She said in a business-like tone, and then frowned at my clothes," You may want to change. You look like crap."

Wow, way to make me feel good. But she was sort of right; it had been days since I showered, and my clothes were muddy and stained. For some reason, I still hadn't changed out of Evan's shirt. Sighing, I drifted over to the glass cabinet beside the large bed and randomly pulled out something to wear. It turned out to be a really clingy silk dress and, call me shallow, but I enjoyed looking good. It also distracted me from having to think about Evan.

What would I say to him? And if I didn't find a way to save him, was I really prepared to fight and kill him? I knew the old version of him would have rather died than use dark magic.

Just then, the door swung open and all the air fled my lungs.


It was like looking at him and not looking at him at the same time. The dark hair, the high cheekbones, even the Protector uniform were all the same.

ForgettingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora