3: Powers and Crushes

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Jerome, at his house: *wiping a tear*

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Jerome, at his house: *wiping a tear*

Jerome: It's all good, I'm fine.

Penny, at her house: No, no, it's perfectly fine

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Penny, at her house: No, no, it's perfectly fine... what should we call you? I can't feel it that much anymore.

Kidd: If I got to choose a power, I'd probably choose teleportation

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Kidd: If I got to choose a power, I'd probably choose teleportation. It would've helped me out a lot in kindergarten.

Kidd at his house: That is, if I got to choose another power. If I had to give up resetting, no deal.

Nugget: Nugget would like supernugget strength. Then he could dig millions of Nugget Caves! 

Nugget: Or maybe just a jackhammer.

Jerome: XD You still do that?

Nugget: Of course. Who would Nugget be without his Nugget Caves?

Buggs: Strength duh

Monty: Probably flying.

Monty: It sounds stupid but way back when I didn't have robotic legs I used to think of how much I'd love to be able to fly.

Ted: I want intelligence.

Madison: Like super intelligence?

Ted: No, like the regular kind.

Kidd: That's actually really sad.

Alice: I think I'd want to bring fictional characters to life. IDK if there's a name for it.

Madison: OMG Alice you're a genius. I was about to say flying because I had no other idea, but that's so smart. That's mine too.

Ron: Teleportation. I'd rather not say why.

Kidd: Could you just say it out loud?

Ron: ...I guess, but why?

Kidd: Because then the askers can hear you, but we can't.

Ron: I would want teleportation because of childhood trauma, I guess you could say. My family is very stereotypical in what they believe gender roles to be, I guess. So when I came home after the whole... incident... they belittled me for not saving the two girls like a boy is 'meant' to do. *bites lip* So I always thought that if I could just teleport out of the cage we were held in, I could have saved them. *turns away*

Ozzy: Well, I guess it's no surprise that I'd want anti-germ powers or cleanliness.

Carla: Invisibility, because then I could sneak contraband in without Penny noticing.

Penny: I'm disappointed in you.

Penny: I don't like to think about that kind of thing, sorry. I took a class a few years ago that taught me that thinking about things that were impossible would just make you less happy.

Billy: I'm going to just say mine out loud if that's okay

Monty: Sure

Billy: I really just want to be able to protect Lily, even though I know she doesn't need any protection. She saved me in kindergarten, so I always feel like I have to save her back. Don't tell her, though! She'll tease me from eternity and back.

Billy: Kay I'm done

Lily: Okay, I'll go next.

Lily: I'd love to be able to protect all of my friends.

Cindy: Mind control

Jerome: I've got no clue but I'm sure I'll think of something eventually.

Felix: I don't want power.

Kidd: That's no fun.

Felix: Sorry.


Jerome, in his house: Sure you can hug me... wait, can you spread the coronavirus through digital?

Penny, in her house: Of course you can hug me! I can't get the virus anyway, so I'd love a hug.



Kidd: The rest of us... maybe say it out loud?

Kidd: *sighs* I usually wouldn't tell you this, but... I like Felix.

Nugget: Nugget is dating the Pretty Lily.

Lily: You already know.

Billy: I am not saying. No way.

Cindy: Isn't it obvious that I like Felix?

Buggs: *blushing* I... I really like Cindy...

Monty: I still like Carla.

Jerome: None apply.

Ted: Uhm... no thanks!

Felix: I am too mature to be answering stupid questions about crushes like preteen girls. 

Ted: But you have one, right?

Felix: *blushes* I mean- of course I do! Who doesn't?

Alice: Nopeidy nope nope.

Madison: I'm dating Ozzy, as previously stated.

Ron: Um. No thank you.

Ozzy: Take a guess.

Carla: I am not saying a single word. 

Penny: I like Ted! =)

Penny: I like Ted! =)

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Kidd: I'm... still really confused. 

Kidd: Anyways, feel free to ask some more!

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