(2) New Faces

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Y/n awoke to a loud rumble shaking her off her cardboard bed. Frantically scrambling to get her skate on, she zoomed outside to see what the commotion was about. To her horror, there was a giant wrecking ball getting ready to demolish her home. She quickly dove behind a dumpster, heart pounding like crazy.

"We clear to tear 'er down?" She heard one bot yell.
The words echoed in her head as harsh as a jackhammer. Her vision slightly blurred as she felt her world go dizzy.

"Roger, clear to go." Her stomach dropped as so did the dastardly ball of metal. Y/n covered her ears and clenched her eyes shut as her beloved home was smashed into tiny pieces. Her first instinct was to dash somewhere else, but one detail kept her from doing so. The fact she would have been spotted immediately.

"Requesting permission to clear rubble over the edge for the sweepers."

"Roger that, permission granted." A bulldozer appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Y/n was forced to stay behind the dumpster, watching what was left of her home being pushed over a nearby ledge. A few more loads were pushed. 'It's all just rubble, it doesn't matter now' she thought, trying to convince herself it didn't matter anymore.

That however, was before she spotted her only memories of her old life in the pile of ruined wall.

Her VHS tapes.

Every bit of her body screamed at her to chase it. She gained some momentum and let her body fly across the site, not thinking about or hearing the robots shocked yells at her and trying to stop her. All she could see and hear was her tapes, and in result she didn't pay attention to the ledge she was heading for.

She jumped over the ledge, grasping at her falling memories. She soon realized what she had done, and let out a shrill scream as she fell to her doom. Falling onto multiple pipes in the dreadful never ending fall, she hit the metal side of her head and passed out.


Squinting her drained eyes open, she realised she was in a dumpster. Sitting up, she looked around her surroundings confused. Suddenly realisation slapped her in the face along with the horrid stench from the trash and made her adrenaline go haywire. She frantically searched the bin for her tapes to no avail. she also saw her skate was missing and her built in one was jammed shut. Go figure.

Sniffling, Y/n heard a weak squeak emerge from somewhere near her in the bin. She turned to what looked like a coffee pot? It has spoon propellers that we're hanging loosely.

She hesitantly picked it up and turned it around, revealing two different sized and coloured glass eyes. They were half awake for a second before getting a good look at Y/n, and quickly shutting itself in fear. It shook  wildly in her nimble hands, making her cuddle the poor thing.

"It's ok little guy.. I'm lost too." She whispered soothingly, letting the little guy know she wasn't gonna hurt em. It seemed to believe it and rested itself into a sleep like state. She pet its spoons.

"I'm gonna protect you little fella, for now though, I need some shut eye myself." The sheer emotional drainage and her physical form being overused made her pass out near instantly.

It was short lived, for the lid to the dumpster was opened and light shot in, glaring into Y/n's eyes. She squinted at the sudden action and was mortified to see a yellow to bot getting into it.

Screaming, she startled the bot enough to make it tumble backwards and fall out the dumpster, lid slamming shut. She clutched onto the pot tightly (who also woke up in the moment) in fear of being attacked or dragged out. She shook and cried. Her heart raced as if it was in nascar.

Muffled voices rose quickly, but she couldn't understand it. Her head hurt too much. Soon the lid opened back up and four bots faced her, one orange and grumpy looking, a tall built green one that seemed friendly, a skinnier blue one that smiled at her, and the last being the one that had climbed in earlier. The orange one began first.

"Who-" He stopped himself and continued.

"No, what are you?" He demanded. She gulped nervously and stayed silent, not sure how to answer.

"Will you stop! You're being too harsh, Crank! Ignore the grump, I'm Piper, this is Lug, Diesel, and like I said a second ago, Crank." Crank scoffed and shook his head. Lug gave her a warm smile as Diesel waved. She waved back hesitantly, unsure how to feel about this. She held the doohickey close, but slowly rose out of the dumpster.

Suddenly something red fell into a nearby container. Lug walked over and picked up what had turned out to be a robot's head, and it did NOT look amused.

"Hey Fender, have you lost weight?" Lug asked naively. Y/n shook her head at this, and Crank went off.

"LOST WEIGHT?! Look at- will you look at- he's a HEAD, in a BASKET." His angry expression fell into one of despair, sulking into the basket. Diesel's mouth switched over to a jagged line, showing worry.

"We're doomed I knew it. We're doomed." The head chimed in annoyedly.

"Yeah, will you shut up you neurotic nut? Why I'd- I'd smack you if I had a hand." Suddenly a loud clanking was heard from above. Y/n whipped her head up towards it and spotted a red figure falling and crashing against pipes. Was that the red ones body?

"Wow, speak of the devil- here I come." Yep. It was his. She winced at it landing with a painfully loud thud, she could tell because he instantly cried out.


"Ouch.." she cringed.

"Whoa, check this out!" Piper called out, pointing to the bot in Y/n's hands.

"Don't touch him." She pulled it away from her and held it to her chest.

"Hey! That's mine!"

A Part of Two Worlds (Rodney Copperbottom x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant