Chapter 13

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I was pacing back and forth the hospital room,fighting my toughts and avoiding the questions that crossed my mind.I was getting annoyed by the ticking of the clock,I just wanted to see her honey eyes that hide too many feelings behind.I thought she was an open book to me,I believed that I can read her and catch sight of the storm that was howling inside her.

She is the kind of girl with secrets and pain hidden behind her smile and hurricanes storming in her eyes.I took a seat next to her bed and intertwineded gently our hands.I wish I could explain her eyes and how the sound of her voice gives me butterflies,how her smile makes my heart skip a beat and everytime she's with me I feel complete like I own the whole universe.I don't know what hurts the most hurting her and breaking her heart or pushing her away and letting her go.

I know that it really fucking hurts but what can I do?I have no choice.
Abrielle is a broken girl who faced the demons themselves,fought for her own sake she tried to save herself from drowning into a deep darkness that she can't escape.I know I promised her that I will stitch her wounds and heal her from the pain but it seems that I am the one who is putting more pressure on her wounds.I can't be gentle I'm brutal I will let her bleed even more than she is.She will become a bird who can't fly,stuck in my corrupted world and murderous demise.
Maybe in another life we will be together but not here not now.

I love her as much the night is vigil,I love her as much the logs adore the the warmth of the fire,I love her as much the ocean embrace the waves.I am fond in her and nobody can change that not even when the doom will verdict me on my sins.

Abrielle fluttered her eyes open and I saw the tears collapsing on her cheeks,her lips started quiviring.I went to her side and hugged her,I know she's dying inside her she lost her aunt she lost everything in her life.Dr.Smith called me 1 hour after the death of Rose to inform me that we should prepare for the funeral we need to entomb her and set her soul free.

I ordered some members of the mafia to take care of that.I need to confort Abrielle I need to stick by her side it's not the right time to push her away.When she will be able to live on her own I will get away from her but until then I need to tend her soul.

"S-She died.She left me alone in this dark world.Nobody loves me they all left me here fighting my fate.M-Mason I can't take it anymore why didn't you let the death take over my pain?"She was sobbing in my chest,clutching my shirt with a tight grip like I am going to leave her.

"D-don't leave me alone please d-don't break the promise you made"She raised her head and looked me straight in my eyes.Her captivating honey eyes are puffy and bloodshot,her beautiful face was strained with tears.

"Abrielle I won't leave you.I promise but you should rest okay angel?"
"B-but my a-aunt n-needs me"

"Abrielle princess your aunt is in heaven now she's better in there .I know losing someone is like losing a part of you but she is everywhere.She's in the sky,in the sun,in the rain wherever you go she will be with you just like the wind.This life is a dream some of the dreams are beautiful and peaceful but the others are just like nightmares scary and terrifying.Remember she never left you alone she just went away,she moved to another life but she's always in your heart."
I put my hand on her heart and whispered softly:"If your heart is still beating in your chest that means she's still living in there. When you miss her close your eyes maybe she's gone but she's not far.She is close to you because she is around you wherever you go."
Her tears kept falling but I wipped them away everytime a tear escape her honey eyes.I can't handle seeing her cry.She fell asleep in my arms after some time and I can't stop myself from pecking her pink lips and brushing a lock of her hair away from her angelic face.I left her asleep in the hospital and called the girls to come to the hospital and stay by her side.

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