Though Stephanie doesn't like talking to strangers, she likes kids and this girl in front of her is really cute.

So she smiles, "Thank you but it isn't mine."


"I'm just helping to walk her," Stephanie explains crouching down next to the dog.

"Wanna touch her?" She asks the little girl in front of her.

"Um....." She looks unsure.

"She won't bite," Stephanie chuckles assuring her.

The cute blonde girl nears the dog and touches its fur.

"You see?"

They both smile as they stroke Daisy's fur. They don't even notice the person approaching.

"Don't run off like that next time, Em." Stephanie hears a deep masculine voice say.

Oh my goodness!

It's a guy!

A stranger.

Probably the cute little girl's older brother.

Stephanie hates meeting new people. It freaks her out and now, she's freaking out. And Brooke isn't even here.

This would be so awkward, she groans mentally.

"Cute dog," she hears him say again.

Now she'll have to reply.


Maybe this was a bad idea.

She forces herself to look up after a mental battle and then she freezes.

Her eyes widen.

Right in front of her is Christopher Hayes a.k.a first-class player a.k.a the person she had the best kiss of her life(so far) with.

He also freezes as if not believing his eyes.

All the memories from that night hit Stephanie in full force.

Oh God!


They stare at each other for a moment before Stephanie hears Chris say, "Hazel."

Stephanie begins to wonder if he remembers that night then something registers.

Did he just say, Hazel?



She looks around to see if anyone is near them.

No one.

Oh, maybe Hazel is the cute little girl's name.

"Um...Hi," Stephanie rises to her feet.

Let's not make this more awkward than it already is, she decides.

He wouldn't remember that night so it'll be like they're meeting for the first time.

Chris who looks shocked shakes his head and then continues to stare at her.


She avoids his eyes.

He forces himself to look down at the dog and repeats, "Cute dog."

"Thanks," Stephanie says.

"I like the dog," Emily says still touching it. "What's her name?"

Stephanie looks at her.

"It's Daisy."

"I love it. I wish I have a dog like this," the cute girl replies.

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