Needing the Tragedy - Rewritten

Start from the beginning

“Well you let your little creatures go swimming somewhere around eggs.”

“Fuck no, Gabby please tell me you’re joking.”

“Na-uh boy, you got her pregnant, you have to tell Aana. She’s going to find out and trust me when she does; she’s going to cut you out forever.” I frowned, slightly sympathising with him but thinking of ways to kill him at the same time. My phone started to ring, Joe just nodded at me and walked away.

“Mum, what’s wrong?” I asked. I had only spoken to her earlier on and she never normally phoned me unless it was an emergency, especially knowing I’m at the game.

“Gabriella its Rihana. You need to come to the hospital now.” She said, quietly. My heart sank and I knew if anything bad happened, it would be my fault. Why didn’t I just bloody listen to her when she had pains? I ran back to the stadium, grabbing Joe and pulling him to the back. I quickly explained which probably didn’t make sense and told him to get to the hospital as soon as. Luckily, he had brought his car so he was able to drive there in five minutes flat, it helped that we were around the centre too. The car journey was silent and neither of us knew what to say. I was guilty and honestly I think he felt worse. Then again, he’s so stupid he didn’t even know what happened; he didn’t know he would have a child of his own and she’s around ten weeks. As soon as he pulled into the car park I jumped out and ran to the reception desk giving Rhi’s information and giving some shit ass excuse of how I’m her only family. I think she realised I was struggling abit so she let me through and gave me the room number. For her to be in a room and having to stay it must be serious but I didn’t know what. I hoped the baby was ok, I know I didn’t want it to be true at first because of what it would do to Aana but it wasn’t fair for me to question her decision.

I knocked on the door of her room and crossed my fingers to see my Mum in one chair and Rhi in the bed, looking tired and pale. I went straight up to her and wrapped my arms around her, asking what happened. She ignored me and looked away. I looked at my Mum and she shook her head. The doctor walked in a few seconds later and asked Rhi how she was feeling.

“I’m really sorry but it is a miscarriage. The bleeding and pain you were experiencing almost confirmed it was but we did double check. It’s normal for miscarriages to happen in the first trimester of your pregnancy. We are positive it’s due to problems with the chromosomes in the foetus. Often, if you have too many chromosomes or too little in the foetus, it causes a miscarriage. We can’t actually tell specifically what the problem was and I wouldn’t dwell on it at all as it’s something that can’t be avoided, unfortunately. I’m sorry for your loss; you can discharge whenever you feel like it’s appropriate.” The doctor said, smiling weakly at Rhi who had tears pouring down her face, even I had tears threatening to spill. I sat on the side of her bed, reaching out and grabbing her hand. As soon as I came near her, she pulled her hand back and gave me the dirtiest look.

“Gabby, I want you to go. Now. Thank you, Mrs Greene for bringing me but I can make my own way home. I would like it you both go.” She said. I walked out with my Mum, letting the tears spill out, I felt horrible. Rhi was torn and probably hating me. I sunk into my Mum’s arm confiding my emotions in her. Joe walked up to us in question and listened to my Mum as she explained what had happened. He nodded but showed no feeling or emotion. I didn’t know what he thought, what he was feeling. Although he didn’t know, it was still his. He walked into the room and walked out about ten minutes after.

“I need to tell Aana.”                     


“Aana, we need to talk.” Joe said, pulling me to the side.

“What have you done? I’m totally ready for it?” I said, my smile faltering when I saw it was serious.

“Ok, so long story short I got Rihana pregnant and she’s in hospital and she’s lost the baby. She wanted you to be there. I know you probably want to kill me and you hate me and I hate hurting you so I have to go. I’m leaving today. You don’t need me here; it always ends with me hurting you. I can’t take that chance.” He said, kissing me on the cheek and walking away, leaving me broken in the space where he left. I watched him walk away and not once did he look back. I wanted him to but if he did, I would lose myself. He was losing himself slowly and so was I.

Lottie came up to me a few minutes after asking me what had happened, I told her we had to go to the hospital and grabbed my bag from the locker room. Joe’s locker was open and empty, Lottie looked at me questioningly. I shook my head and walked to the car, turning on the heating because it was freezing and I was near to hyperventilating.

“So Rihana’s pregnant, it was Joe’s. He just told me she’s had a miscarriage and she wants me there. Joe left; he just said he’s leaving. That’s it.” I muttered, holding my head in my hands.

“How are you holding up?”

“Honestly? Like I should sit in my room with Netflix and food. Hibernate for a few years.”

“And what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to get over it, go to Gabriella’s wedding in a few days and play the part. Do my job, find someone else.”

“I’m proud of you Aana.”

“Me too Lots, me too. Right now, I'm worried about Rhi, so step on it."

We finally arrived at the hospital and we walked straight in. Stupidly they have a sign in sheet with names and room number. Joe and Gabby had both been in Rhi’s room so we know which room it was. After sneaking through we made our way to the room. Not a clue why we snuck in when we could have just asked. I’m not sane but I thought Lottie would be the logical one. Gabs and her mum were both sat outside. She looked up at me in question and I nodded, confirming I know. She smiled at me apologetically as did her Mum. I hugged them both and nodded at them, walking through to Rihana’s room. She looked so apologetic and honestly until I heard what happened I couldn’t be angry. She looked broken and alone.

“Hi.” I whispered, sitting on her bed. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m so sorry Aana.” She whispered, bursting into tears. I hugged her and she burst into more tears but after a few minutes she apologised and explained what happened. I felt bad that Joe didn’t know about any of it but I felt him going was for the best. I felt like I needed him to go, if he was here I couldn’t move on.

“You rest up ok. I’m flying out to France tomorrow with the rest of them so I’ll come and visit you when I’m back. Take care.” I said, hugged her and left.

“Right everything’s fine. You should have told me though, but come on. We’re flying out for your bloody wedding tomorrow and you’re sitting here.” I said to Gabby who was still sat outside. Her Mum had left so it was just us and Lottie. I smiled weakly at them and walked out to the car. It was reaching eight at night and we were all flying out tomorrow at ten. Luckily we had all packed and ready. I was so excited for Gabs’ wedding, despite what happened today. She’s been waiting for this and she deserved it more than anything. It’s been hectic handling everything with Aiden and sorting this wedding. Having to deal with Mark’s bloody annoying sister, buying wedding stuff. It’s all been worth it. Sure I planned loads of things in Paris with Joe but I guess I’d have to go by myself. Well you know me, I’d probably hitch up with someone at the wedding. Nothing better than a good old rebound. Unfortunately for me, Mark’s Mum picked our bridesmaids dresses but they were better than I expected. She picked bright blue peplum dresses. Which I have to say I would probably  pick too. Gabby’s dress was beautiful, I was so jealous. Mark had organised wedding planners who organised all transport, venues, hotels and everything else in Paris. All we had to do is get there.

I stopped at KFC on the way home because I know none of the girls would cook and I wasn’t about to. It had been a long day and we were all craving abit of grease and chicken. We went back to mine which was weird because we had all been staying round Mark’s or I’ve been round Joe’s.

“So, he just left?”  Gabs asked.

“Yeah, said it was better this way and left. He had a bag in his hand and his Passport. I wanted him so bad but there have been so many chances, I didn’t make the cut so I think it’s for the best.”

“It’s for the best. Now I’m sure your Mum has a spare bottle of wine somewhere downstairs so let’s get that and drown our sorrows. Aiden’s with Nate until tomorrow. I’m going to quickly check up on them both and I think you should make sure you both have everything for tomorrow.” Lottie said, picking up her phone and going downstairs. I turned to Gabs and noticed the worried look on her face. I would be scared too. It’s been so busy for the past couple of months planning it, I doubt she’s had a chance to realise what’s actually happening.

“You ready to become a Mrs?” I asked, slightly smirking.

“So ready. And to think we nearly bunked P.E that day.” She laughed, playing with the ring on her finger. 

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