Doctor x Reader

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This will contain hurtful words and harming oneself so please be cautious!


I kept running with tears running down my face fell electricity course through my body. I was facing him again, Doctor again! This is the fourth time, same killer, same place which was his map. Every corner I turned I see him standing there but I know it's just me going insane but the affects were getting worse every trial with him as if they lingered. All the others noticed that I was losing my mind, every time I try to sleep I'd awake screaming until one of the survivors calm me down or thinking that he's there out the trial when he's not. I looked behind me seeing him chasing me still, sending another shock my way as my screams echoed through the halls. I didn't know how much of my mind could take with this therapy treatment along with my lungs and legs ready to give out of me. Voices in my head began shouting, head pounding as another scream escaped my lips with jolts of static through my body.

I noticed that he wasn't chasing me anymore, just illusions were there. I sighed in relief as I made my way to the bathroom that I crouched down trying to regain some sanity back.

"You are completely useless."

I looked around the room but didn't see anyone and I knew it wasn't the Doctor or any of the survivors with me.

"You can't even gain control of yourself. Always having someone to take care of you."

My body couldn't shake anymore than it possibly could as I looked around to find the source of the voice. I stopped when I notice my reflection with a wide grin on it's face. 

"You're so weak!"

"shut up!"

I didn't care at this point if anyone could hear me. I'm reaching my breaking point and she knows it.

"poor (Y/n). Might as well hand yourself to the killer. Why bother when your own friend don't even need you?"

"That's not true! Leave me alone!"

She grabbed the edges of the mirror pulling half of her body out, her eyes went dark and her grin grew wider with her face close to mine.

"Why don't you make me?! You can't and you won't. I am you and there's nothing you can do about it!"


I struck the mirror with my fist shattering it as my knuckles began to bleed. I could hear her laugh ringing in my ears. I hit the mirror again with my other fist as more pieces of glass hit the floor. I fell to my knees, grabbing a huge shard of glass "go ahead! Do it!" I heard her again, seeing her reflection in the glass I held. My gritted my teeth and tightened my grip on the glass making my hand bleed. Why won't she go away?

~ Doctor ~

I had Feng in a corner ready to strike her down, seeing the fear in her eyes until a blood curling scream echoed across the map stopped me. I've heard all of them scream to my therapy treatment but not like that. I walked away from Feng, making my way towards the screaming that wasn't far from me. I stopped at the entrance of the bathroom and it was horrific. Mirror shatter, blood everywhere and (Y/n) body on the floor. She was wounded all over from the glass and I noticed a huge piece in one bloody hand and a deep gash on her arm. She was passed out from either blood lost or shock. Normally I wouldn't care if it was someone else but it was (Y/n) and I did care. I quickly made my way over to her, picking her up as held out my Clever "I offer my weapon to end this trial right now!" I spoke looking up at the ceiling. I saw the Entity pooling and coming down taking my weapon as the trial ended right away.

"Don't...hurt me. I can't...take anymore."

"I won't. I didn't mean to make you like this."

I looked at her, still passed out and trembling in my arms as I walked into the cabin to my office like room and set her down on the operating table to clean and patch her wounds. Her body trembling under my touch. I've never witness any survivor like this but I guess there are some flaws in the Entity's world.

"make her go away...please!"

I looked around thinking that any of the other killers entered the room but I didn't see a soul in this room

"(Y/n) I don't see anyone in here. It's just me I promise."

She only cried more, covering her eyes with her hands and her shaking wouldn't stop. I checked around the room again but there was still no one in the room.

"I'm glad. I don't...want to see her again...ever." She gave a relief sigh.

I looked at her still puzzled of who she was talking about but I continued treating her wounds "Who are you talking about (Y/n)?"

She gritted her teeth "myself..."

I sighed "you've reached the stage 4 of your insanity...if I had known that the Entity didn't fix the little problem that it has, you would have been rested." I could see the terrified expression.

"What's stage 4?"

"Stage 4 of you insanity is where you experience illusions of anyone or anything that you fear trying to hurt you in any way of form. Leading you to self-harm or death." 

I finished treating her wounds and bandaged her well. (Y/n) sat up from the operating table, trying to collect herself.

"and from what I understand for what you have told me. You are scared of yourself..."

She didn't respond which made me believe I was correct, though understanding of why she was afraid of herself, I didn't understand.

"is there a reason why you are afraid of yourself? I even over heard one of the other survivors talking about you waking up screaming."

"I don't understand why...that's the problem. I can sit here and tell you how much I hate myself but I know that you're going to tell me otherwise." (Y/n)'s (e/c) looked into mine "would it even matter? It's irritating that I feel completely useless and get sick looking myself in the mirror when we're stuck in this endless sick game!"

She hopped off the operating table almost losing her balance "thanks for treating my wounds. I'm leaving now."

I quickly grabbed her hand "it does matter. It matters to me." I pulled her back to me "If you don't want me to tell you otherwise...I'm going to anyways." She turned to look at me  "I will do what it takes for you to look yourself and not be afraid because I don't see why you have to be afraid of something so beautiful."

I placed my hand on her cheek, which she leaned into "promise?"

"I swear (Y/n)."

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