Kate x Frank (Legion)

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Kate made her way down the hallway slouched over while caressing her wound. Luckily she only got struck once by Frank and got away since he chased after David. She stopped for a moment mending her wound but that wasn't enough to heal her all the way. Kate couldn't find the others and refused to go to David. He wouldn't heal her and she wouldn't let him either. If they survive or get sacrificed he'll just beat her like he did before the round started. She was tired from running from killers, David, and surviving period. At this rate, Kate wanted to give up but she continued down the hall of Lery's Memorial Institute.
She entered a room spotting a chest in a corner before walking over to it. She quickly opened it to dig through, hoping to find what she needs. Luck was on her side when she saw the med kit and grabbed it out of the chest “Kate.” she jumped slightly turning to see Meg at the entrance wounded as well. Kate made her way over to her to use the med kit on Meg “David is looking for you.” Meg winced. She rolled her eyes “of course he is.” Kate was done wrapping her wounds as Meg began to treat her “he’s not happy either. Said it was your fault that Legion found you two in the beginning.” Kate growls “I didn't do anything!” her shout startled Meg causing her to mess up. Kate yelped in pain “sorry!” she whispered. They heard the heartbeat getting louder “go!” Kate ordered as they split up.
Frank was on her tail knowing he would go for her since she was weak. Though he had plenty of opportunities to catch up to her but he wanted to play with his prey, especially her. Kate enters a room looking for a place to hide “there you are!” someone grabbed her arm. She winced from the tight grip then gasped when she saw it was David. He hit her with the back of his hand as she cries out “I almost got killed earlier because of you!” He snapped “no I didn't!” she shouted. He growled, hearing the heartbeat again. He then pushed her down before sprinting off. Kate got off the ground to run for it but there he was, Frank blocking the doorway. She cursed under her breath forgetting he was following her. He stepped towards her as she backed away. There was no way out except the way he was blocking, she was screwed.
Kate was against the wall when Frank was too close jabbing his knife into the wall near her head making her flinch and squeal. He then reached up with his other hand cupping her cheek to make her look at him. He noticed a red mark on her cheek and a cut on her lip. He didn't make those wounds he was sure of it “who did this?” his voice was rough and deep “why does it matter?” he saw the anger in her eyes “if it's not him hurting me then it's the rest of you!” Kate then slapped his hand away “at least you can put me out of my misery.” Frank punched the wall next to her “what? Gonna hurt me? Kill me? Go ahead, you're made to do that!”
He growled but for some reason he wouldn't. Another generator was done “might want to hurry. Either kill me now or we can sit here all day while they escape.” he sighed in annoyance at her stubbornness “it was David, wasn't it?” His breathing became more unsteady the more he looked at her “yeah but he won't stop.” He couldn't blame her, he was in the same boat as Kate with Julie minus the abusing part.
The last generator was done “there's a chest in the next room.” Frank took off before Kate could question him. She quickly went to the next room like he said spotting the chest. To her surprise he was telling the truth but didn't stop her from digging into it. Another med kit was in there as she finally healed herself. She then hears screaming across the map knowing it was Quentin being hooked. Quickly running to his aid, she helped his down and healed him “Meg opened both gates before I got caught.” she sighed “why didn't you leave with her?” he looked at her when she was done healing him “making sure everyone was out.” Kate shook her head “get out of here, okay? I'll be fine.” he was going to protest but he knew she wouldn't listen “you're going for the hatch?” they heard David screaming in the distance “probably” she reached up to fix his black beanie “now, go.” he took off running to the closest exit while Kate ran towards David. Once she made it around the corner it was too late David was being moried. She couldn't stop Frank if she wanted too but she wouldn't if she could. Kate just watched while Frank impaled his knife into David's chest before dragging it down to his stomach.
Frank pulled his knife from the corpse blood staining his hand, face, chest, and his weapon. He looked around wondering why the round hasn't ended. He then grunted, hating that either the last survivor is at the exit gate taunting or at the hatch. Before he ran off he heard someone cleared their throat. He looked over his shoulder seeing Kate leaning against the wall “why are you still here?” she could hear the annoyance in his voice. She pushed herself off the wall “I want to know. Why didn't you kill me?” Kate stepped towards him “don't make me change my mind!” he threatened. Unfazed by his tone “just a simple question. If you wanted to kill me…” she stood face to face with him “you would've done it already.” Frank tightened his grip on his knife “could you at least tell me why you went after him.” she looked at David's body “did you do it for me or was it a normal kill?” her blue eyes looked back at Frank which made him shift a little under her stare “he hurt you. Does it matter if I did or not?” she knew he had a point “curiosity I guess…” she rubbed her arm shivering slightly. He huffed taking his leather jacket off and handed it to her. She took it putting it on “don't think I'm going to do this again if he does continue.” he saw her frown but she hid it with a chuckle “oh I don't expect you too. I'm surprised you did it at all.” Kate walked passed him motioning him to follow. Frank walked beside her “though you could say I did it for you.” he spoke. She smiled “why? Hope it wasn't out of pity.” he shrugged his shoulders “I guess you could say that...or he shouldn't hit you period.” he looked at her stopping in his tracks. Kate stopped as well “is there a reason to why he does it?” Kate scoffed shaking her head “I wish I knew. Probably because I left him.” they continued down the hall entering a office room with the exit on the right “you should go.” Frank said. Kate sighed while she took off his jacket and handed it back to him “yeah, I know.”
Before she took her leave, she stepped over to him noticing Frank stiffened up the closer she got “relax.” she said softly. He did for a moment until she reached her hands up but he stopped her when she touched the edge of his mask “what are you doing?” she gave a reassuring smile “trying to thank you.” Kate lowered her arms “but I think I'm pushing my luck.” she then leaned closer until he felt her soft lips on his neck near his skull tattoo “thanks for taking care of David for me.” she then turned around to walk towards the exit. Frank growls before snatching off his mask, grabbing her to pull her closer, and kissed her.
They pulled away from each other “your welcome.” she giggles softly “we won't leave this place if you kiss me like that again.” Frank smirked “promise?” pulling her closer to him “promise.”

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