Kate x Jake

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Jake sat around the campfire with Claudette, Dwight, Quentin, and Kate. It was quiet among them since the others were in the middle of a trial against the killers. Jake glanced over at Kate, her hair tucked behid her right ear as she plucked a few strings from her guitar. He looked back at the fire in front of him sighing deeply "what's wrong?" He heard Quentin across from him of the campfire. Jake shook his head in response "don't give me that bull." He added making Jake look up at him "we know when something is up." Dwight spoke up. Jake gumbled under his breath before giving in "Kate and I got into an arguement last trial." He answered. They looked at each other confused which is understandable when Jake and Kate were inseparable. He took a deep breath "I kinda...sorta...got mad at her last trial for leading the killer towards Claudette and I." Quentin raised an eyebrow "and I...sorta..maybe...called her some nasty names." Claudette placed one hand on her hip "you didn't "kinda sorta" anything!" She snapped at him "okay, okay! I did. I was just angry." She rolled her eyes "you know it was an accident that she led Ghostface to us." He nodded "yeah I know. I tried to apologize but she won't let me." Dwight and Quentin got up from the log "well you need to apologize for being a jerk." Dwight said with a surprisingly stern tone "and I know how to make her listen." Quentin smirked. They crowded around whispering while peeking their heads up making sure Kate wasn't listening. They broke apart from each other "alright, everyone understands what they need to do?" Quentin asked as everyone nodded.
Claudette quickly made her way over to her "hey Kate!" She cheered as Kate looked up at Claudette standing before her "there's a lake not far from here. You wanna go hang there take a break from this old place." Kate thought about it for a moment "whose all going?" Claudette knew she wouldn't go with if Jake was going "oh, just Quentin, Dwight, and me. Come on, it'll  be fun~!" Claudette sang. Kate laughed "okay I'll come." She put down her guitar and got off the huge log she was sitting on. Claudette grinned as linked her arms around Kate's before her and the two boys went down the short path leading to the lake.
Once they arrived they sat around the edge of the lake enjoying the view. It wasn't much but it was better than the campfire, waiting around to see whose the killers next victims. They chatted amoung each other for awhile until it lead to splashing each other. Kate laughed as she splashes all three of them "alright! You win." Claudette giggled "yeah, I have to go cause I think the Entity has chosen me." Quentin spoke quickly leaving. Claudette and Dwight looked at each other "we, uh, should also go because I think Nea is calling us." Dwight spoke nervously "yeah, don't want to keep her waiting! Bye!" Claudette quickly said before they both ran off "wait! I didn't hear anything!" Kate called out but they continued their way.
Kate rolled her eyes "whatever..." she mumbled "hey, Kate." She heard behind her. The voice made her blood boil "go away Jake!" She snapped not turning to him. He sighed ignoring her request and sat beside her. He took a deep breath "look I'm sorry. I've said a lot of mean things to you that wasn't meant for you." He started. She crossed her arms not responding "all the things I said was from a place of anger and I know it was an accident." He grabbed her arms making her turn to look at him "please, Kate. I'm sorry." He looked her in the eyes making her blush. Kate puffed "alright I forgive you." He smiled "but next time I won't be so forgiving." She threatened. Jake nodded "I mean it Jake! I swear if y.." he smashed his lips into her's.
Kate tensed up at the sudden action but gave into his warm soft lips. He pulled away "I promise I won't say anything like that again." She smiled ready kiss him again "aw! That's so sweet!" They looked behind them seeing Dwight who pointed at Claudette beside him "thanks for ruining the moment!" Jake snapped. Kate giggled again "nah, the moment isn't ruined." She added, pulling him into another kiss.

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