Amanda x Ace

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I crouched down behind a stack of tires, breathing heavily trying to silence my painful grunts as I saw Amanda walked passed by. She lost me which I walked in the opposite direction. Thanks to her I had a stupid reverse bear trap on my head ready to start ticking once one of the survivors decide to get the third generator done. I sighed heavily making my way over to Jigsaw box to get the thing off "Psst! Ace over here." I looked over seeing David Tapp waving me down. I sighed in relief since I didn't have Self Care quickly making my way over to him "Looks like you're not so lucky Ace." He joked "yeah, yeah just heal me please." I snapped. He chuckled starting to heal my my wound "she has chased you none stop hasn't she?" Tapp asked. I nodded "yeah she has. I don't understand why. I didn't do anything to her...I don't think." I spoke, thinking of anything I did to piss her off "I don't think you did anything either." He finished healing me "now go get that thing off. It's not really attractive." I glared at him, seeing him smirk at his joke. I finally made my way over to the Jigsaw box once again that was beside the huge tractor and began to see if I'm lucky. I heard the stupid doll laugh at me, turning it's head at me as I growled at it hoping the Entity will give me the ability to stamp that thing on the ground.  A generator was done as I ran to another box, testing my luck once again but it doll laughed again. I felt my veins forming on my forehead but I moved on to the next one.


I tried my hardest not to laugh at the sight of Ace struggling but oh was it so pleasing to watch. He was always playing it cool and seeing him lose it was entertaining. I lost interest in the trial, I just continued sneaking around watch him. The doll laughed again, Ace kicked the box hard "DAMN IT!" He shouted in anger and pain making the crows near by flutter away. He's losing his mind as I giggled slightly "better run." I thought as I seen him sprint for another "cause time is ticking away." I continued following him across the corn field. He tested his luck for the fourth time but it didn't seem like it was on his side this trial and to make it worse another generator sprung to life speeding the timer on the trap "I swear I'm going to kick whoever did that gen!" He shouted. I could tell he couldn't careless if I was able to hear his angered screams at this point "oh, Ace. You can't be lucky all the time." I thought as followed him to the last box to see if he could get that trap off.

Ace tempted fate once again and yet it wasn't on his side yet again "I know you stalking me Amanda! Bet you're finding pure enjoyment out of this aren't you! You sick pig!" He shouted looking around. Killer or not that actually hurt regardless that I do have a pig head and looks could kill he would have died right then and there so I didn't reveal myself. He shook his head as if he was trying to regain his sanity "I'm sorry!" He was breathing heavily "I didn't mean that. Killer or not I wouldn't say that to a woman especially you." I was shocked for the apology. The last generator was completed and the timer began beeping louder and quicker "Sh-" The trap snapped closed as his lifeless body hit the ground. I stood up, looking at his body confused and yet concerned. I heard the doors open and the ground began glowing orange and red vein like lights on the ground and a loud warning clock noise echoed.


Amanda raced to one of the exit gates wanting to see if any of the survivors know what's going on with him. She spotted Tapp running for the gate but she quickly caught up to him actually hitting him. He yelped in pain "you're not going anywhere!" she thought and finally struck him down. We were at the gates as the other survivors ran "tell me what's going on with Ace and I might let you live." She commanded couching down to almost his level. Tapp looked up at her "how should I know! He's probably sour because his luck has ran out for the past three trails." The timer rang again "might want to tell me the truth before the Entity decides to tell me. Tick Tock." Amanda snapped as he groaned "I'm telling the truth. Entity hasn't gave him a break and the girl he likes which is you, doesn't notice him." She tilted my head "he likes me?" He sighed "yes, the boy tried everything from talking to you outside of the trails and in but you wouldn't notice." She stood up, picking him up over her shoulder and placed him closer to the exit "thanks." He said, crawling out.

Once she appeared out of the trial in front of the cabin that the killers stay in she made her way inside towards her room. A soft knock at her door "hey Amanda. Are you in there?" She heard Ace's voice. She opened the door with a guilty expression "Ace? What are you doing here?" She asked. She stepped aside as he walked in, closing the door behind him "I came to apologize to you. I don't know if you were stalking me in the last trial but I said something hurtful about you and I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously "yeah I was and I did hear you say that I was a sick pig." Amanda stated sitting down on the bed "I was losing my mind and said it out of anger. I really didn't mean it." He apologized again "it's okay. We killers are use to the comments." Ace just shook his head "but not me. At least to the girls. And I don't say things like that to the girl I like." Amanda looked at him "and I understand if you don't like me back." She giggled "I never said that I didn't." Ace smiled at her and held her hand "I guess I am lucky after all."

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