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I got ready in the morning to go hang out with Beomgyu and his friends. I realized I had a hickey but I just covered it up with a choker. I got ready and I went to Beomgyu's place.

I knocked on the door and Beomgyu opened it. He greeted me with a smile and I went inside and it was somewhat big inside. Then Yeonjun saw me.

"Hey!!! I haven't seen you in awhile..." he said to me.

"Oh yeah. Ever since we changed schools." I replied.

I looked over and I saw Soobin and Kai hanging out while watching TV with each other. Of course Soobin was unforgettable because he loved bread and was obsessed with it.

Beomgyu and I talked about how life was going. I talked about my relationships like with friends and Yeji and bullies. I also told him about how the school is. I told him I was gonna be graduating soon so I'll probably never see them again which was a bit sad.

Then Beomgyu had a turn and he talked about the same things but obviously his situation was different. We kept talking and talking to pass time and it worked out pretty well. I looked at the clock and it was already 7 PM. I've been here for 3 hours?!!

"Anyways good talk Beomgyu but I have to go sadly. I have some plans that I want to tend to but I'll message you." I said to him.

I said bye to everyone and I started to walk back home. But then I saw a familiar face. He came a little closer and it was just enough for me to know that it was the brat. Jeon Jungkook...



So this is pretty much it for Chapter 1. Chapter 2 will be written pretty soon so stay tuned!

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