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I was starting to realize that Y/N made me feel safer
almost. It was nice to be around her but does she feel the same about me? Should I tell the members? No not yet...

I got ready for school and I walked over there. I went inside and saw the worst thing ever. Y/N was getting bullied for the first time!! Of course it's by the pretty boys BTS...

"Don't fucking lay hands on Yeji!!" Jungkook yelled at Y/N.

"I haven't even touched her!" Y/N yelled back trying not to cry.

I interrupted them and pushed them all away. My focus was drawn towards Y/N right now.

"Ugh why is she friends with such an ugly rat?" Jimin said looking at Y/N.

"Yeah. Not sure why Yeji even cares about her..." Taehyung said agreeing.

They all finally walked off and I walked Y/N to her classes. I hope she was actually okay because she doesn't seem to be okay. Jungkook held me back.

"Babe! How could you do this?" Jungkook said looking at me almost crying.

I scoffed. "Who are you calling babe I barely even know you." I said as a response.

He fake cried and he ran into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and started to get to my first period.

Like normal all of the periods went by rather slow but then lunch came. My stomach was grumbling quietly yet violently. I quickly walked to the lunch room with ITZY following me. I sat at our table and saw Y/N and her friends. Y/N still looks gorgeous...

I sat down next to Y/N and started to eat.

"So how are you feeling Y/N?..." I said looking at her.

"I'm doing alright. Thanks for coming in by the way." Y/N said while eating.

She looks so cute~~

"Yeah no problem." I said while taking a bite of my food.

"Anyways I heard babe?" Y/N said and it put me in shock.

"Oh we aren't dating at all. We barely even know each other. Plus I hate him." I said while taking another bite.

"Oh alright..." Y/N said.

I saw the members having certain facial expressions meaning 'you two look cute together' or 'when will you ask her out' but I just tried to ignore them.

Then the lunch bell went off. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books for this second to last period. It was Math and I really hate math. I only like this class a lot though because I get to sit down next to Y/N.

Then it was the end of the day after the last period. I packed up my homework and I went home saying goodbye to Y/N. I started walking and couldn't get her image out of my head. Ugh she's so beautiful.

I arrived at home and I did my homework. It was kinda easy since Y/N helped me understand the concept so I got it done quickly. I got ready for bed and fell asleep ready to see Y/N at school the next day.

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