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I got ready for school like normal. I walked to school and saw Yuna up ahead. I quickly caught up with her and we walked to school together. It was nice to talk with someone really energetic in the mornings so that was that.

We arrived and I went inside. I saw another fight happen but I'm not surprised.

"Ow..." Jin said when he was having a punching competition with EXO's Kai.

"That wasn't even my hardest. You're so weak." Kai said and then punched him again.

I didn't bother helping Jin since he's part of the group that bullies Y/N. I went to my first period but I noticed something strange. Since we have this class all together Yeji was a little close to Y/N but she doesn't seem to care. Are they dating? No they can't be...

I told Yuna and Lia about it since Chaeryong was sitting more in the back of the classroom. They all started "spying" throughout the day.

It was lunch time and now it's gonna get interesting. Since Yeji and Y/N could have a crush on each other. I went to the lunchroom and sat at our table. I didn't see Yeji and Y/N there so it made me somewhat worried.

I was with Yeji and we were able to claim a private lunch spot. We started eating and talking but once we were finished and cleaned up Yeji asked me something.

"Hey uhm can I ask you something really quickly?" Yeji said causing me to stop.

"Sure!" I said looking at her with a bright smile.

"So I know we've known each other for a little bit but when I first saw you... I knew I liked you. I had the feeling but I wanted to deny it and not in a bad way. So I never knew when to ask you this until we got a private spot for lunch. So... Y/N... Will you be my girlfriend?" Yeji said.

I smiled in shock and quickly replied.

"Yes!" I said while hugging her.

We both walked to the lunchroom to meet ITZY and Sana and Dahyun. We told them what we did and that we are now dating. They were all really happy since they shipped us together to think.

I felt like I already knew they were dating from the start but now I know. I went home and I went into my room. I did my homework and later fell asleep while doing it.

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