Come Back to Me

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That one moment was all it took for Flowey to entrap me in his vines. I'll admit, I was caught off guard. I was so happy to see WD free from his prison of darkness and back into reality. That happiness was replaced with pain as Chara forced themself into my soul and then numbness as I lost control of my movements, thoughts, and emotions.

Gaster POV

At first I could see relief in her eyelights. Happiness about my new found freedom. Love. There was a flicker of surprise as Flowey bound her. I started running, well trying to. I was still out of it and wasn't used to using legs so it was more of a stumbling gait with Sans trying his best to help me. The surprise flickering into pain and my soul clenched, knowing I wouldn't make it in time. "MARIONETTE!!" Her eyelights faded into a dull grey before returning to a bright red, classic to that brats influence. They turned to me with that unsettling smile on my Marionette's face and was a small wave, walked off with the weed. I crumbled. Fell to my knees, clutching my skull. "No, no, no.. This cannot be happening.." Sans seemed utterly startled and confused by my reaction. "hey, hey.. we'll get her back from that genocider. think about it. mari can make portals right? so why didn't chara? they know mari has the ability." The scientific part of me took over. It was a good question, really. "Mari is not a monster and is barely a human. Her powers could be harder to access.. She probably is still fighting for control.. So if she cannot have control of her body, she will not allow Chara access to her powers." This.. This was good. This meant we could get her back, and be rid of that devil child once more. "probably. let's regroup. you need to get more stable first." I allowed Sans to shortcut me to the surface.

Papyrus had some friends over when we returned. They all had question that Sans answered to the best of his ability while he allowed me to rest on his couch. I closed my eyes and allowed my thought to drift. Naturally I thought of her. The way she lit up whenever I spoke of my discoveries of souls. Her smile. The way she greeted me every night. Our kiss. "ARE YOU OK..?" I opened my eyes to Papyrus's voice. Him, Sans, the king, queen, Frisk, and two others were looking at me with worry. I became aware of a wet substance on my face. I touched it. Purple translucent tears. I was crying of course I was. "No. I am not." I responded with honesty. "Would you like some tea to calm down?" The king asked. "That would be nice, your majesty. Earl Grey would be preferable." He nodded and went to make me said tea. "dad? you ok? does anything hurt?"
"I didn't know you guys had a dad!"
"Hi Dr. Gaster!"
"No. Nothing to do with.. That. I will be fine." I assured Sans. "And yes, Papyrus, I am your father." Something crossed Sans face and disappeared before I could see what it was. Papyrus pulled me into a hug, as was to be expected. I hugged the younger back. "I missed you boys.. Both of you.." Soon Asgore returned with my tea and planning began.

After a rest that was longer than I would have liked, I was back to near 100%. I could use every weapon in my Arsenal. This meant the plan would be put into motion soon. There was many unknown variables and it scared me. She could die, Chara could access her powers.. Her determination to do a reset, one of the group could die.. "Stop. You'll drive yourself to insanity. This WILL work." I assured myself. We were going to get Chara out of Marionette and trap them and that weed away where they can do no more harm. "ready?" Sans asked behind me. "I will have to be."
"al is at the lab. she found where they are hiding. tori's guiding undyne there now. asgore is on standby with the jar and frisk has the pot for the weed. pap is waiting for us in the hall."
"I still cannot believe you agreed to let him fight."
"he's back up. with any luck we won't need him joining at all."
"c'mon. let's go get 'er."

We waited in Judgement Hall. We didn't have long though. Soon I could hear Undyne, using quite the vocabulary, as she was being chased by our targets. I would wash her mouth out with soap, but I was no better. Sans and I were quick to evade her and attack Marionette and the weed instead. Mari dodged, showing me that they still couldn't use her powers. The weed attacked back. We deflected his attacks easily. "Kicking a child while they are down, are we?" Their voice coming from Mari's mouth was wrong in every way. Sans was quick to come back while we attacked again. We agreed on no blue magic. "nah. your no kid. your a demon." Every time one of our attacks hit, I flinched a little. It wasn't right for me to attack my soul mate, but I wasn't going to sit back and do nothing either. In the middle of battle, Sans and Papyrus had to swap out. Sans was exhausted. Papyrus took well and, to my surprise, didn't go easy on them. He must have picked up just how badly this brat ruined everything.

Things weren't going well. Undyne joined the battle for a little bit, but Chara's determination seemed infinite. Papyrus and Undyne were both out of the battle, via low hp. I was also on my last legs. They whipped her tail at me and I was down. They pressed Mari's foot to my ribcage. "Lets start with you first." I looked up to her. "Marionette.." Tears slipped out of my sockets again. It made them freeze in place. "W-what is.. What is this?!" Chara demanded to know only to be silenced when an ink portal appeared. A tall, vicious looking ink creature stepping out. Ink ran down his face and I knew this was Marionette's grandfather, Bendy. Bendy rose a hand, beckoning Chara to him. "You will leave my granddaughter alone, this instant. She is not yours to control, spirit." Chara obliged, under the demons control. Much like how I was when I first met Marionette. So that's where she got the ability. Mari staggered and I was forcing myself up to catch her. She fell into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her protectively. Bendy drew the spirit into the awaiting jar in Asgore's hands and like that, it was over. Flowey had long since been caught. "Grandpa..? What're you doing here..?" She sounded tired. "Your parents couldn't get a hold of you, so I went out to find you. What the hell happened?" He asked. "It.. Is a long story, Mr. Stein. Thank you for the assistance though, it is much appreciated. I am Dr. WD Gaster." I introduced. "Ah. The man that Marionette loves."
"Trust me Mr. Stein, her feelings are very much returned."
"Good. Break her heart and I'll break your soul." He threatened. "I'll protect her with my life, rest assured." The demon smirked. "Mari, I'll let your parents know that your fine." He slipped into an ink portal. "Are you alright, Mari-" She was fast asleep in my arms. I couldn't help but smile warmly at her. "so.. uh.. do i call her mom now?" Sans was giving me a knowing smirk. "If you wish."

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