Chapter Twenty Nine

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I'm back with a spicy update. Yes, there is smut. Do not read about the Friday night sleepover if you are uncomfortable with smut!

Emil was glad that he couldn't hear Lukas and Matthias talking over the thundering sound of about ten basketballs colliding with the gym floor. It was one of Leon's final games of the season, not that the season had been particularly eventful after people learnt not to tease when Leon's pretty hair ribbon. Come to think of it, Leon didn't need the ribbon anymore, but he still wore it. With his hair much longer now, he would braid the ribbon in like a zig zagging strip of snow through his hair.

Both teams were stationed at either end of the court running some warmup drills before the game started. Emil glanced briefly over to the pair accompanying him, Matthias' attention was focused solely on Lukas, despite the fact that he had begged to come – some bullshit about him revisiting his memories of being on the university soccer team, neither Emil nor Lukas really cared.

The quarterfinal started with a rough ball toss, vaguely resembling a death metal concert pit in which Leon and two other guys from the opposite team ended up on the floor. Leon was the first up and darted across the court to help his teammates with the others not far behind. The first two shots missed and there was a turnover when the refs didn't call a foul.

It was a rough game compared to the previous ones, some of the guys were getting a little too physical when the refs weren't looking. Emil couldn't remember seeing Leon play against this team. Maybe they had earlier but only now did the game turn a little blood thirsty. If they lost, they'd be out of the running for the final, if they won, they'd play the loser between first and second's game. Winning that would take them to the finals.

"It would be nice to win, but I don't really mind what happens," Leon had said earlier. Maybe it was just his game face, but it definitely looked like Leon was going all out tonight.

Half time hit and the amount of sweat dripping off the boys was practically obscene. Emil made his way down the bleachers for a quick check in, only to find himself wishing he had brought an umbrella along. One of the boys, usually found sprinting across the court was drenched to the bone, and with every flick of his hair, a small downpour of sweat would rain down. Leon was on the dryer side, but boy did Emil find it mesmerising to see all his long fly-aways plastered to his head.

"No hugs," he tutted, keeping his distance.

"What about an after-game hug?" Leon offered with a smug smile.

"I'll pass. You're gross."

More whining. Silent consideration of a surprise after game hug. Then again, the thought of sweaty underarms on Emil's shoulders was so gross, he had to shake the image out of his head.

"It was nice of Matthias to come," Leon said after a long drink of water.

"I think it's less about you, more about him," Emil shrugged, glancing over to see his brother and Matthias pressed together, and if Emil asked about it, Lukas would definitely say he was just cold. Leon gave a that sly smile he would always give when he was about to make a ridiculous suggestion.

"Maybe because coming here makes Matthias feel like a dad."

"Are you kidding me?" Leon's sly smile faded and was replaced with a serious look.

"I'm not joking, he literally is silently screaming that he wants kids."

"Shit, really?" Leon nodded and the two of them turned to look at the pair on the bleachers. If there ever was any 'honeymoon' phase with Matthias and Lukas, it had ended long ago. Everything about them screamed 'we're basically an old married couple', they didn't even have to look at each other to know how the other was feeling. And if you looked long enough, you could see the little gleam of sadness in Matthias' smiling eyes. He wanted more, but there was only so much he could have right now.

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