Chapter Three

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Leon felt his heart sink as he closed the door and watched Emil walk back down the street. Sighing and leaning against the door he mentally slapped himself up for being such a stupid cow. He really did like that boy, Emil, but he was worried that he was coming on too strong for just too full on and in his face. God it was hard making new friends. And after so many years of repeating the process he still didn't find it much easier.

"Tough first day?" Mei asked from behind him. Leon jumped, forgetting that she was there for a moment and accidentally knocked one of his mother's vases from the dresser but managed to catch it before it hit the ground.

"Shit, you scared me," Leon breathed out heavily as he tried to slow his heart back down to normal. "My day was actually fine, thanks," he replied looking at the ground and walking around Mei, letting his bag hit the floor.

"Li Xiao, don't lie to me," she threatened.

"You're not my mother," Leon shot back lazily. "Anyway, the only bad part was that those three left me at school so I looked like a complete idiot and has to ask my friend to walk my stupid ass home," he explained, strutting irritably into his room that he shared with his younger brother Yong Soo. He hated sharing a room with him, he'd rather share with Ping who would probably constantly nag him to be clean, go study, be quiet or get out. Anything was better than sharing with Yong Soo.

Mei followed him to his room, eager to hear more about his day. She hadn't started work yet and was currently stuck in the boring house unpacking and sorting through all of the boxes.

"Mei, what did I tell you about unpacking my stuff?" Leon sighed as he entered. Half of the room was in the stage of being almost completely unpacked and had paraphernalia strewn across the floor, why? Because Yong Soo was really messy. The other half remained as a plain room with boxes half unpacked, which was Leon's half.

"I'm sorry, I was so bored, I couldn't help myself," Mei apologised.

"Don't worry, it's ok. I've actually changed my mind about this place," Leon sighed, remembering how much of an absolute turd he had been to his family about moving to Iceland. He didn't want to leave everything behind for half a year again because he hated moving around so much. So he refused to unpack the boxes that didn't have necessary items he needed to survive inside (which mostly included his favourite clothes, his laptop and a bedside lamp).

"Have you really? I don't believe you," Mei inquired from the door.

"This place doesn't seem to be too bad," Leon managed as he unpacked his bag. The 'not too bad' part was referring to Emil, who seemed to be a good acquaintance of some sort by now.

"LI XIAO ARE YOU HOME?!" A harsh voice split through the house. Leon rolled his eyes and stopped what he was doing and called out a reply.

"Yeah, mum."

"COME HERE I NEED TO SPEAK WITH ALL OF YOU!" His mother shouted to the whole house. Sighing, Leon and Mei left the room and trudged to the lounge room where they were met with their other siblings.

"Yes, mum?" Ping asked with his arms crossed.

"I said all of you, where is Yong Soo?" Yao growled as she gestured to an empty space beside Kiku.

"I'm right here!" Yong Soo shouted, jumping behind Yao and squeezing her around the waist and giving her a sloppy smooch on the cheek.

"Get off me!" She growled, wiggling out of his grip. Yong Soo frowned and let go, slinking back to lean on Tai. "Ok, Kiku, Tai, Mei, you're all off the hook, you can go now," she instructed. Tai and Mei gave a small victorious fist bump to each other and scampered off. Kiku, as always, bowed and scuttled off to his room. Yong Soo went to leave when Yao interrupted. "Not you, you're in trouble," she scolded.

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