Chapter Twenty Four

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Friday night was as usual, except Leon's basketball game was at another school's gym. He didn't want to drag Lukas out to watch it because the only sport he was interested in was ice hockey and even then he didn't really get into it. The only time he'd actually present any interest was if Norway was playing against Denmark. Then he'd hope that Norway would win against Denmark so he'd have something else to banter about to Matthias.

With his options limited, there was no other choice than to call Leon and hope that he had space in his car. If not, he'd happily strap himself to the roof so he could come along.

"Leon, is there room in your car?" he asked quietly.

"Hold on a sec," Leon's reply came. He then shouted away from the phone, probably to his siblings. There were two voices that shouted back and Leon's next reply sounded very sarcastic. "Okay now I do."

"What just happened?' Emil nervously queried.

"I just asked who didn't want to come watch me play basketball. Both Tai and Ping answered. Tai has work to do, which is understandable, but Ping is just being an asshole, so I'm slightly offended," Leon explained.

"Well at least you have someone who wants to watch you play now," he pointed out, shrugging even if Leon couldn't even see it.

"Yeah, I suppose I do," Leon replied happily. "We'll come around and pick you up soon." He hung up and Emil put the phone back into its spot and announced to Lukas that he was going to watch Leon play basketball.

"Still into sport are we?" Lukas half questioned, half remarked.

"No, not really. But this is what you do for friends, right?" Emil challenged. Lukas just gave a not that translated to 'fair enough'. Leon arrived shortly after with his parents, Yong Soo, Mei and Lien in the car. Apparently Yong Soo and Lien liked to come purely because when they had half time, they could play against each other on the court. Mei wanted to get away from her desk to get more inspiration and to support her brother. Arthur and Yao were pretty much morally obligated to come along, unless they had work.

Emil had never been to another school's gym. It seemed a little darker than his school gym, the floor boards were a darker kind of wood, almost reddish in appearance. It seemed slightly smaller, but it was most likely due to the fact that the area was just darker. Leon rushed off to his team and Yong Soo took Emil by the arm and found a good place to sit.

It didn't take too long for the game to start, but by about thirty seconds in, someone was already on the ground. Luckily it wasn't Leon who was taking a tumble. About five minutes in, Leon's team started to get a little sick of being pushed around. Apparently basketball wasn't supposed to be a violent sport, but it sure seemed like this bunch of rowdy boys had completely disregarded that fact for this game.

There was a lot of shouting coming from the spectators, Yong Soo and Lien had definitely gone off their nut and were shouting to Leon in an attempt to keep him out of danger and complaining about everything that went wrong. Emil wasn't one for shouting, so he'd only cheer when their team scored a goal.

Leon 'fell over' (was pushed over) and someone to Emil's right completely lost it and was practically ranting non-stop. He turned his head to find that it was Yao was shouting at the umpires, so aggressively that Arthur had to hold her back and tell her to calm down before one of the umpires kicked them out. At first it may have just seemed that Yao was one of those crazy, aggressive soccer mums, but she really just cared about Leon's safety and was protective like many parents would be.

The game ended, and Leon's team lost by about ten points. On the way back to the car, Yong Soo would not shut up about how it was 'complete and utter bullshit' that the other team won. Mei joined in by listing almost every time the umpires had missed out on something or when the other team was playing dirty.

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