Chapter Twenty Five

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Once they returned home and were completely grilled for getting sand in the car, Emil and Leon camped out in the room he and Yong Soo shared. It was quiet after Yong Soo was dragged away to watch Lien play the Last of Us, but Emil kind of appreciated the soft silence. They both laid across Leon's bed alongside each other, facing the foot of the bed to keep the space between them open.

Emil looked tired and certainly felt tired, more tired than usual. He was the sort of person who'd be completely exhausted after long car trips, but he was also the sort of person who wouldn't sleep during the day. Maybe today could be an exception?

"Em, are you alright?" Leon asked, shuffling over to be a little more closer to Emil, hoping to share their body heat a little more – he was probably still cold from the beach.

"Yeah," he dismissed, rubbing his eyes with his delicate fingers. He turned his head to the side to give Leon a questioning eyebrow.

"You seem tired," Leon stated carefully, giving Emil's chin a gentle pinch to reaffirm his good intentions.

"Yeah, thanks," Emil grumbled sarcastically, elbowing Leon in the arm before turning away.

"Hey, I didn't mean it that way. I'm just concerned. I can't have you being tired on our date," he cooed softly, throwing an arm over Emil and resting it around his waist.

"I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine," he grumbled, wriggling back further so he could fit perfectly in the bend between Leon's torso and legs. It was warm there, soft and warm like heaven probably was like.

"I'm tired too so let's just... Rest?" he suggested, but he wasn't going to take no for an answer. There was no verbal reply from Emil, but it seemed as if he was going to try and say no, but eventually just settled with the idea and let himself relax in Leon's arms. Leon buried his face in Emil's soft hair, breathing in its familiar and sweet aroma.

They laid there for god knows how long, just listening to each other's breathing. Surprisingly Emil fell asleep first and enjoyed a rather uneventful sleep. After about an hour, Yong Soo had become bored of Lien kicking ass and retreated back to his room to see his brother and supposed 'best friend' taking a very 'friendly' nap with each other. He turned and ran to Mei and Kiku, begging them to 'come look'.

Mei and Kiku certainly weren't disappointed, Yong Soo had to cover Mei's mouth to stop her from screaming. Kiku stayed as quiet as he could, but breathed intensely to vent his happiness and admiration of the scene. Yong Soo was told to scamper off while Mei and Kiku got out the sketch books and stationed themselves at the door, trying to get the best angle possible.

"Winner gets the other's chocolate stash," Mei challenged.

"Be prepared to lose," Kiku shot back, planting himself by the corner and beginning to roughly sketch out the room. The two sat there battling it out while Emil and Leon slept peacefully. After about two hours, Ping walked past, giving them judgemental looks.

"What is wrong with you two?" He grumbled, pushing his glasses further up his nose and folding his arms across his chest.

"There's nothing wrong with taking the perfect opportunity to sketch the perfect moment with correct referencing, so shut up, this opportunity comes around like Christmas in a Buddhist family," Mei growled, smacking Ping with her sketch book.

"Ow!" he complained, rubbing his arm.

"Shut up, I barely touched you," Mei shot back.

"Sh! You'll wake them," Kiku whisper yelled. The three fell silent for a few seconds and returned to either drawing or being judgemental. The silence was short lived because Ping started asking questions again.

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