Chapter Five

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Norwegian class was an absolute drag. Emil was sure that if he got another bad mark or failed a test or task again, Lukas would certainly punish him by only speaking in Norwegian for a week. This punishment occurred at least once a month and it drove Emil absolutely insane. But in the end, he guessed that it would have helped his Norwegian and he would have learnt his lesson – until he did it again of course.

As usual, he didn't have any friends in the class. It was a mixture of Norwegian students who were much younger and some other assorted students who were pretty far into learning the language. Emil basically felt like he was just in a class full of Lukases.

The bell rang and Emil left the class, ghosting his way over to humanities class. When he got to the door, he stopped dead in his tracks like he had hit an invisible wall. There he was. Leon, that asshole. And he was sitting in his seat.

It's only furniture, let's not get possessive over it, Emil told himself, exhaling deeply. He walked further in, noticing that there was a seat next to Leon. He softly placed his books down, as if trying not to make a sound and slid into the seat trying to seem as casual as possible. From the corner of his eye, Leon noticed a familiar silvery haired figure sit down next to him and he whipped around to face the other boy.

"Hey, Em," Leon greeted with a sweet smile and a split second wave of his hand. "You don't mind if I call you Em, right?" He asked nervously, furrowing his brows.

"Oh, um. Yeah. That should be fine," Emil stuttered awkwardly, looking away. The teacher walked in and silenced the class and began to jabber on about how "World War Two did not just come around simply because a man hated Jews and Communists and that there are factors that should be considered include the Wall Street Crash of October 1929, followed by the Great Depression, the Treaty of Versailles which reduced the German people's moral and dignity to null and the rising unrest in Europe".

Once the teacher had kindly shut the hell up and left the class to do the assigned work, a small buzz of conversation began to build up in the room. Emil sat and did his work like an actual good student for once (but still completely bullshitting of course as it was an art that he had grown quite good at). Leon had been called up to the teacher's desk a little earlier to get filled in on what he had missed that term, which meant several hours of painful boring homework from each subject just to get a small understanding of what the hell was actually going on.

Leon returned to his seat with a list of homework that was about as long as his arm and about as thick as his phone. He let out a long flustered sigh and started on today's work. He got bored after about seventeen seconds and then turned over to Emil, who was quietly doing his work but there was an air of slight anger that radiated from him.

"Sorry for not talking to you in maths," Leon finally said. Emil dropped his pen but didn't look over to Leon. "No excuses," he reassured, even though he had about a million and three excuses. He felt really bad about it, well honestly, hating himself for it. Emil drew in a long breath before answering.

"It's okay. I know you're just trying to make other friends who won't cost you a reputation," Emil mumbled in response. Even though he had apologised, Leon was still considered an asshole in Emil's eyes. And that wouldn't be changing any time soon due to Emil's painfully stubborn nature.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop thinking like that, you're not going to cost anyone a reputation," Leon argued, still retaining a caring tone. "I'd rather be friends with you than the weird 'Asian-Loner-Kid' like at the other schools I went to."

Emil didn't say anything, he just nodded to show that he understood. He couldn't think of anything to say, so he just turned back to his work, enduring the heavy silence that clogged the atmosphere. Leon felt Emil's anger fade away, but the emotion was replaced with awkwardness. Yes, if he was honest, Emil was probably one of the most awkward people he had ever met, but he was insanely adorable this way.

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