Chapter Twenty Seven

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Emil didn't go to school the next day, he spent the day getting his licence so he would be able to drive Lukas to the clinic so they could try a different medication and also discuss what was happening.

"So," the psychiatrist began, taking a minute to open up Lukas' file in a tab and scroll through it. "You've been on Trilafon, Prolixin and Thiothixene before, the former two were trials and the latter you've been on since you were fifteen. Is that correct?" Lukas nodded.

"So you believe the medication has stopped working?" she further clarified, making eye contact with Emil, who replied "yes."

"Can you describe what is happening, Lukas?" she asked, turning her chair to directly face Lukas. Emil watched Lukas' face puzzle and the psychiatrist clasp and unclasp her hands a few times in her lap.

"They're back, they're all back and they hate me. They won't go away..." Lukas said quietly, staring at the ground. "I hate it..." he murmured under his breath, letting his chin sink to his chest.

"Is there anyone else in this room, Lukas," the woman asked, leaning closer to Lukas, who pointed behind him.

"Heimdar is there. He's always there. There's someone in the corner. I don't know who it is," he explained.

"Alright, we'll have a go at a new medication called Risperidone. So far it's been quite effective in most trials. We'll start on half a tablet a day and then gradually work up to a full tablet in the morning and a full tablet at night."

"What are the side effects?" Emil cut in. He was anxious about this new thing that could potentially mess a lot of things up.

"I was just about to get to that," she smiled politely and reached over to the crowded bookshelf to retrieve a book that looked more like a cheque book with a fancy cover. "Drowsiness, dizziness, light-headedness, drooling, nausea, weight gain or tiredness are all possibilities. If anything else happens make sure to call the clinic right away."


"I feel like shit, I'm going to bed," Lukas stated a few hours after his first dose, leaving Emil by himself in the kitchen. A few seconds later, Lukas came in with a suspicious squint. "Go to school or something."

"Too late now," Emil sighed, shooting a glance at the clock that read 12:43. Lukas didn't budge. "I'll do my work from the past few days alright. I'll email my teachers later today, just go to sleep, you look like a–"

"Half cooked steak, yeah I know," Lukas cut in.

"The hell is a half-cooked steak?" Emil grumbled.

"I don't even know," Lukas groaned, resting his face on the door frame.

"Go to bed," Emil ordered, throwing a catalogue at Lukas, narrowly missing him.

"Eat my shorts," Lukas snapped as he walked away. Emil sighed so hard his throat went dry. He retreated to his bedroom and began working on that growing pile of work. Sure, he was behind in school, so much so that he could probably never catch up, but it was always worth making a dent in so his teachers couldn't say he was a slacker.

At 3:31, Emil's phone buzzed, causing him to have a heart attack and run an ugly line across the rest of his page. He cursed himself under his breath before picking up his phone and checking the notification. It was a text from Leon.

Can I come over for a little while?

He smiled to himself and felt giddy. Of course he wanted Leon to come over, he needed him to come over. The house was so painfully quiet all the time and he spent every hour on edge, wondering when the next bad thing would happen.

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