The Black Hole

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After much debating and procrastinating, I have decided on the winners of the competition. I loved all of your entries, but these were the ones that stood out to me the most, and followed the rubric the most.

For the First Place winner, I would like to thank minecraftfan32 for allowing me to put their story in this. Full credit to them, please check them out!

Second Place Winner- BarnowlNiza. You too took a figurative way of the prompt, and it was a close call between first and second.

Third Place- LindseyTheToaster. I really liked your entry, and I liked everyone else's!

People who entered: (You should check them out!)

And now for the part you've been waiting for, the winning entry. Thank you again Minecraft Fan for letting me use this in my story. Full credits to you for writing this. POV- Evil X


I screwed up.

Here I am now, in the wreckage of my brother's server, and it's all my fault. Maybe I should tell you how I got here. Or maybe I shouldn't...... maybe you'd think of me a freak as well. But I guess that I owe you an explanation.

It all started when I was around twelve years old. One day I woke up, and there were black lines running up and down my arms. I was cursed. I was immediately put into a special 'school', which was really just a prison. It was tough, very tough, and I got picked on a lot, but I kept pushing. You want to know the thought that got me through all of those hard years? The thought that I would see my brother again. But that all fell apart when I graduated. I came home, all excited to see my brother, only to find out that he.....he was an admin. I had ugly, jagged black lines. His were beautiful and golden.

Let's skip forward a few more years. My brother joined a server. Well done for him. Anyway, I was.... left alone. One day I tried to channel my powers into making a portal. I mean, it failed but it was something! I started training myself, and one day one of my portals actually opened! And guess where it took me? I know what you're thinking. My brother's server, wherever the hell that was. Ha ha. No. My stupid portal dropped me in the middle of the void. You think you had bad luck? I can guarantee mine was worse. Oh, and guess what?? Instead of just putting me out of my misery, the void decided to have a nice conversation with me. How fun. I was down here, my body slowly breaking and the void just calmly starts talking to me.

Evil Xisuma?
Who is Evi- wait a second. That's not my name.
That is what they call you now, is it not?
No? I haven't been around people for a while.
I see. Your brother had became quite the model citizen. A famous admin.
Well done for him then. Can you kill me now? Like you do with everyone else.
Now, no need to take that tone. I am not to kill you. I am going to help you.
Help me to do what? Because getting me out of here would be a good start.
I, young one, am going to help you get revenge on your brother
I- I'm listening....
They make a fool of you on that server! You deserve better. You deserve revenge. I can help you. I can get you on that server. I can help you see it crumbling in ruins.
Ruins sounds.....good. But.... I've done deals before. It's never free. There's always a catch, a snag, some condition on the side that they just 'forgot' to mention.
You are smarter than you seem boy. Alright, in order to get on the server I'm going to need a bit of your life force.
I'm sorry..... what?!!
An eye to be more specific.
An eye.
Yes, an eye.
Oh right you're not joking.
Do we have a deal?
I..... I.... yes we do.

And then I passed out to a searing pain in my left eye.

When I woke up, whoever knows how long later, I was lying on a beach. It looked like paradise- white sand, blue water and a clear sky. A little too perfect if you asked me. There should have been a zombie or something, I don't know.

I tried to get a grip on the sand (for some reason) and pulled myself up. The sand felt strange, as if I couldn't really feel it. Looking down, I was wearing... red armor? It wasn't exactly comfy or stylish but it was light enough for me not to complain. And I was wearing gloves, which explained me not feeling the sand. It was then that I realized that my vision was tinted with red. Reaching up and feeling my head, I discovered that I was wearing a helmet. I instantly blushed. I must have looked so stupid just then. But then again, there was no one here to see me.

My helmet was red -much like my armor- and for some reason had little horns coming out of it. Then I remembered who sent me to.... wherever this was. I was Evil Xisuma now. I didn't even have my own name. I didn't even remember my old one. Remembering another part of the deal, I cautiously moved closer to the water and peered at my reflection. Oh my- It was horrifying. Most of my face still looked the same. White hair, scars and such. But my eyes... one of them was almost normal. Just a red iris. But my other eye.....

It was completely black. Well, as the sun glinted at it, I could see flashes of code, binary coding, and what looked almost like stars. The eye seemed to be... growing and shrinking. Just a little, but enough for me to feel sick just by looking at my own face. It was repulsive. But I guess that's a little price to pay for my sweet revenge. Still.... I felt almost like it was sucking at my life force. But I didn't have time to think about that. I placed my helmet back on and set off to find my brother.

Let's skip forward.... I don't know what many more years. I'd been living in a cave on the server ( which I've learnt to be called Hermitcraft ) for a long time now. Oh, they knew that I was on it. I'd played some pranks, and pretty much everyone on there hated me. It was quite depressing, but still. I wasn't here to be liked. I was here to destroy. I was mainly counting on the void to destroy things. My weird void eye..... I'd like to say that it grew, but it..... it just..... sucked in more and more of my soul.

Soon, in this new season of Hermitcraft, I realized that it was not just eating up me. I went into my cave one day and there was a bit of a black hole like thing there. It wasn't pulling that hard on the air so I went to take a closer look at it. Horrible, it was completely black. Well, as I moved my head and the torchlight danced over it I could see flashes of code, binary coding, and what looked almost like stars. Sound familiar? It was like my cursed eye had grown, so big that I could not contain it any more and had latched itself onto a part of the world.

At first, it didn't appear to be sucking things up. However, as time went by it started taking in blocks, getting bigger and sucking up things faster. Then I had to move out of my cave. It was the first time that I considered that I'd done the wrong thing, that I shouldn't have made that deal with the void. I felt as though I should go and tell my brother, before it got out of hand. But I didn't- he would probably have killed me. Having been reminded why I was doing this, I kept well away from the cave and just let it do it's thing.

Let's skip forward a bit more. The black hole had finally expanded out of the cave. I just wondered when they were going to find it. A few more days, and someone called Scar had noticed it whilst flying over it. I watched him pass it- it almost sucked him in but he fired a bunch of rockets and escaped unfortunately.

I went to watch as they investigated, all tied together by ropes which were tied to trees or bushes. Yeah, like that would stop then getting sucked in. Seeing as this was pretty much my black hole, it's pull on me was weak and I was able to go in closer without needing support. Xisuma was the closest the black hole- perfect. I slyly notched am arrow and got ready to shoot. It would have been a perfect shot, splitting straight through the rope and sending him into the void. But no. Some stupid hermit saw what I was doing and lunged at me, knocking me over just as I released an arrow. We both watched, them with horror and me with excitement as it spun through the air...... cutting straight through one of the Hermit's ropes. The person ,who was now desperately beating some big colorful wings to try and not DIE, was small, he was wearing a red jumper and had blonde hair. I heard the person pinning me down yell,

I laughed. How fun! With the person distracted it bought up my knee and kicked them as hard as I could, before throwing them to the side and glancing back at 'Grian'. He was flapping harder now, tears streaming down his face as he called out for help. My brother was making his way over there but he was too slow. Too late.

I swiftly shot another arrow, and the person next to me screamed with dismay as it hit one of Grian's wings. He was flapping his wings slower and more tired now. A slow death. Perfect. There was nothing that anyone could do to help him. They just watched and all of a sudden, Grian gave up. He stopped struggling and just fell limply into the void. They all watched in horror at the huge black mass, waiting. Then, I heard the person next to me's communicator ping. I peered over his shoulder and read the death message.
Grian died

I cackled with delight. I knew that the void would make sure that he did not respawn. The person next to me glared at me.
"You're a monster."
I turned and said as sarcastically as I could:
"What gave it away? Was it the black eye?"
If looks could kill, I would have died a thousand times. I guess that he wants to be next then I thought. I quickly leapt towards him and seized his jumper.

Iskall's eye widened with shock and terror. He struggled, lashing out and trying to hit me but I ducked out of the way. I'd been training for years by now, so it was easy enough for me to pick Iskall up by the one hand that I was holding his jumper in and to make my way over to the hole. I stood right next to it, feeling no pull at all yet struggling to stop Iskall from being sucked in. I calmly turned around and observed all of the hermits who were staring at me in horror.
"YOU!! YOU DID THIS?!!!" Xisuma screamed. I continued to stare him out.
"This is what happens when you try and stop me."

And I released Iskall into the hole. I'll give it to you straight: all hell broke lose. More of the hermits fell into the void. Tango got pushed into it. I somehow managed to disarm False and she stumbled and fell into it. Each hermit that fell in hurt my eye. I could hear voices screaming, but I just ignored them. The hole got significantly bigger each time it swallowed up a hermit. Scar. Ren. Stress. Joe. Keralis.

I had just grabbed a handful of Cleo's hair when it hit me. These guys were all friends. They were almost family. Like me and Xisuma were before we got branded. And I'd just killed them. Like it was nothing. Forever. What had I turned into? I needed to stop that black hole. I released the zombie's hair and ran off. What to do, what to do? I tried asking it to stop. I mean, I didn't expect it to work but my stomach still dropped when it didn't.

Maybe if I went into it..... but I was too scared. Too cowardly. Instead, I ran and hid. I crouched behind a fallen tree and hid my face. So here we are. Back to the present. And what will happen next? Nobody knows.

"Brother." I peered up at X. He had taken his helmet off and was looking down at me. Not really angry. More sad. Disappointed.
"I don't know why you did this but-"
He continued to look at me.
"Let me help you. I know how to get you off the server. We'll have to let it rip this place apart. The people who are still alive will also escape, but I recommend that you stay out of their way. I.... I'll have to stay. To let myself be dragged in"
I blinked away tears and stood up.
"Please don't do this. Don't act like you care."
He smiled sadly and hugged me.
"I do care brother. I really do."
Then I felt a tugging sensation in my gut and I blacked out to the sight of my brother walking towards the void.


I made some basic spelling and grammar edits, as well as some formatting changes. All the rest is the same! Check out my interactive story on my home page if you haven't yet! It's called The Forgotten Kingdom.

Love you all!


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