Chapter 1

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*Cayennes pov*

It started like any other day. We'd met away from our other friends, talk about our powers, how to stop hurting people.

News spread fast through out the school that Blake Robertson was hosting a party at his lake house later on tonight. Like average teenagers would, we decided not to miss the opportunity to party.

The moon shins through light curtains. I'm in a place i don't recall being in. i look around. Jasper, Kiko and Kade are passed out as well. Police sirens can be heard, heading towards the House. I Try to concentrate on my surroundings. A glass vase lies broken, smashed, on the floor near a broken window, a blob of red peaks out from under a table. I look down at my top. Bright red patches cover most of my white top and my jeans are ripped more than they already were. I groan and get up. A quick crack of something forces me back down. Great i just broke a rib. Why hasn't it healed yet. The red and blue lights become more noticeable now. A click from the door forces me to close my eyes. I hear worried voices. ' their pulses were checked before the call in . Only 1 person is conformed dead, Correct?' states a voice. ' yes only one dead child. My son, Blake' sighs a women. i can hear in her voice, she is sad but not letting on just how sad. i groan to get their attention. i hear footsteps getting closer to me. i open my eyes and i'm met with a older women and a youngish looking Cop. 'Cayenne Mikaelson right?' sighs the cop. i nod. 'do you remember anything?' asks Ms Robertson. 'hold on Ms Robertson. Let them get aware of their surroundings before we get that far. Besides the detective you insisted on hiring isn't here yet' sighs the cop. Ms Robertson sighs. The cop helps me onto the couch and picks everyone off the ground. They all wake up no longer than me. i Wonder if They did the same as me, try to check everything out before we admit anything.

The cop sits on a chair across from us. She's rubbing her  cheek, she seems fairly stressed, probably because a teenager just got murdered.
Ms Robertson sips a cup of coffee. The door opens and in walks in two men. 'Morning Vivian' smiles An older man. 'Honey is this the detective?' Asks Ms Robertson. 'Yes I'm Lucas Wilson' smiles a man who seems to be in his late 20s to 30s. 'Now, since you have had time to adjust to your surroundings, it's time to tell us what you remember. If your squeamish, do not look behind you' sighs Lucas. I look behind me and the sigh is horrific.

Blake's neck is still ozing blood. A broken wine bottle is lodged into the side of his neck. Glass shards surround his body. I turn back to the cop. I feel Kade take my hand and squeezes it tightly. 'So Cayenne your first' smiles the cop. I look at Kade and he smiles but his eyes tell a different story.

'Now I don't know if introduced myself but my name is Vivian Graham. So tell me what do you remember' she smiles. I try to think. To remember what had happened last night.

'This is one of the greatest party's of the year' yells Kiko over the loud music. Many teenagers are drinking and dancing together. I see Blake heading towards us. I ignore him. What could he possibly want with us. Then I remember he's "good friends" with Jasper. I move in closer to Kade. He doesn't seem to care and his hand slides around my waist. 'Hey I wanted to talk to you guys for ages. Please follow me to the study' smiles Blake. So we follow. Kade takes my hand and we walk hand in hand towards the other room.

Blake sits on the desk and pulls out his phone. He taps a few buttons and police Sirens play throughout the speakers. He opens the study doors and yells 'Cops everyone out' and he closes the door again. 'Thank god that's over' he smiles.

'Cayenne?' Asks Vivian. 'Huh Sorry. Um I remember Blake took us into his study and made everyone leave and then I blacked out' I sigh. Her and Lucas look at each other and sigh. 'Underage drinking' She sighs. 'Oh did I not tell you. I've never had alcohol in my life. You can check my blood if you want' I shrug and stand up. 'Will you get Jasper for me please Cayenne?' Asks Vivian. I nod and walk out of the dining room.

I walk in and Kade stands up and hugs me. 'Jaspers next to go' I sigh. Jasper nods and walks out of the room. 'I didn't tell them much. Just that he took us into the study and I blacked out' I sigh. Kade places his hands on my cheek and leans in and kisses me. 'Perfect' he whispers, his lips are lingering just above mine. He leans back and the couch and I lean against his chest. Kiko pulls out a cigarette and stands at the broken window. 'I know we've hurt people before by accident but we've never killed anyone.' She sighs, blowing the smoke out the window. 'Kiko, we may be the last people to see him. But I know we didn't kill him.' States Kade. 'How do you know Kade? You can barley control your powers. Who's to say you didn't just snap and he just was simply there' mutters Kiko. 'I wouldn't snap Kiko. You know that, if Cayenne was there which she was, she would have stopped me.' He sighs. He leans forward and puts his head into his hands.  'Look we'll get through this. It's just like any other time ok?' I smile. I place my hand on Kades shoulder and he squeezes it tightly. 

Let's just hope it wasn't us who did it.

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