Chapter 3

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*Cayenne pov*

I lay beside Kade. he's ok now, asleep for a while at least. i sigh.

'What the hell is wrong with you'yells a voice. i look around, I am at school, Not this year, Maybe a year or two ago. That was when my powers happened. A blonde girl walks up to me, her heels clamping across the ground. 'You bitch' she yells and attempts to slap me. i somehow block her wrist. 'what ever your claiming against me, None of it is true' i sigh. 'i have never heard such a lie come out of your mouth' she spits. 'what the fuck Cassandra. Tell me what your accusing me of . is it so bad i'd be scared. unlikely' i laugh. Cassandra scoffs and takes out a photo of me. blood trickling down my chin. ' Your a vampire' she smiles. 'So? i'm more powerful then you. Haven't you done your research? i can end your life in a single snap. Bye Bye boyfriend, Bye Bye stubborn bitch' i laugh. i walk closer to her. before i can reach her someone else does my job. 'stealing my job now Kade? i laugh.

Just so you know that was way before Kade knew how to stop that voice or rather Person from killing people.

We were all different people before. We barley knew each other. Just so happens someone wanted us to stick together, Learn our powers together. We became better beings. We eliminated killing. We simply Learn to adapt to the urge at the time to stop, The taste for blood or The rush of adrenaline during a kill. We Tortured our self's. Days going on to weeks to months with no blood.

Your probably thinking "their all vampires". oh honey could you be any more wrong. We are mistakes in mother natures plan. Wanna know why?. I'm a witch- Vampire hybrid, which never should happen, one is an abomination and the other was to restore peace. Kade is a Nogitsune, The Nogitsune possesses Kade to kill, your probably thinking " he is a psychopath" wrong I've seen the Nogitsune, It's more than it seems. Kiko is just a vampire And Jasper is a werewolf. see all mistakes. Should have never been born, but yet here we are.

The sun shines through the light curtains. I sit upright and look around. Kade is lying down his arm placed behind where my head was. I stand up and put back on my clothes. I open the Curtains. Ms Robertson is standing in the middle of the garden, smoking a cigarette. Kiko and jasper burst In the door as I'm putting on my top. 'Oops Sorry' laughs Kiko. They both turn around and I put my top on.  Jasper coughs and Lucas walks in. Kade is still asleep. 'Right some questions again. How'd Kade get I here?' He laughs. I shrug my shoulders and smile to myself. 'Alright then. Cayenne your first again' smiles Vivian, appearing from behind Lucas.

We're back into the dinning room. A bowl of cereal lay in front of me. 'Just in case you were hungry' smiles Lucas. I nod and pick up the spoon and start eating. 'So do your parents know where you are?' Sighs Vivian. I drop the spoon before I even get any of the Cereal. Vivian gives me a worried look. 'My parents are dead' I sigh. Lucas leans back in his chair. 'Any Guardians?' He asks. 'My aunt Rebekah, I guess' I sigh. I push the Cereal away from me. 'This might not help us at all but how did they die?' Asks Vivian. 'Do you not have filter Vivian' sighs Lucas. 

I wasn't going to tell them how they actual fully died. 'There was a house fire during a family party. I just happened to be outside with my aunt Rebekah at the lake nearby. I was only about 6 at the time. She had noticed the smoke and she left me for a moment to see what was happening. Only it was too late. None of the or people inside  remained alive ' I sigh and stand up and leave the room.

That's partly true. There was a fire that killed my whole family. But that was the night I became the vampire side of myself. My witch powers some how remained.

'Cayenne honey your father is looking for you' smiles aunt Rebekah. We are sitting in my room. A little girls pink room. Barbies lay on the floor. Little tiny dresses spread around the room. Aunt Rebekah lifted me up and we walked downstairs. 'Lararus  she's a mistake and you know it' yells a voice. Rebekah pulled me in closer.  'Why? Care to tell me?' Yells dad. 'She's different from hope. When hope dies and  turns into a vampire she'll lose her witch powers. Cayenne will still have her witch powers as a vampire. So Lararus , Cayenne is going to be dangerous. Really dangerous when she gets older' yells a voice. 'I will always protect them both' yells dad. 'I'm afraid Lararus  you won't live long enough for that to happen.Rebekah will take her.' Yells the voice. The room suddenly got a whole lot warmer. Rebekah turns and runs out the door. 'Close your eyes sweetie' whispers Rebekah. I don't listen, I open my eyes right as the whole house had exploded. My father, mother and everyone inside the house that I love, died that night. 

Rebekah was away on a business trip trying to help all of us, to help us control our powers or rather curses.

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