"I just wanted to say I'm sorry-"

"Mathews." It's Brett. I sigh and grab the rest of my stuff before closing my locker. "Can I talk to you?"

I swear boys have more secrets than girls. Brett gives me this weird look though that has me feeling uneasy once again. Just like last time, there's just something behind it and I cannot place my finger on it.

"Yeah," Caleb says and gives me one last glance before heading off with his butt buddy. I groan to myself and go on my merry way because it is clear that I will never be able to clear up this mess with Caleb.

I am sure I will eventually, but it has become quite frustrating recently due to the fact he hardly even tries to talk to me. Today has been the first day since Tuesday that he has even attempted. And while it is a step in the right direction, there is always something getting in the way.

Oh well. I am not going to let this ruin my day because if it ruins my day then it will ruin my night and for once I am actually super excited for the party.

I hope it will be as exciting as I expect it to be.

Colten's POV.

"Mathews." Of course someone would be trying to interrupt me as I attempt to tell Ensley that I am sorry. It has been weird as hell since that day at my house and I am just ready to put it all behind us. I love her, but I am not in love with her. "Can I talk to you?"

I notice the way Ensley kind of deflates and my first reaction is to snap at Brett, but I prevent myself. That wouldn't help any situation.

"Yeah," I agree and give Ensley a kind of 'see you late' look before following Brett. He leads me out of the doors of the school and out to the parking lot where the majority of my teammates stand. Um, what the fuck? "What's going on?"

I am getting annoyed with all of this bullshit, there is always something going on and it is becoming more of a struggle than what it is worth. I have Brett as my informant in many ways, just to keep tabs on Ensley when I can't be around. I know it sounds creepy, but there are also a lot of weirdos at Lincoln Park High School. I have to do something.

Regardless, there have been multiple times that Brett thinks he has something and it never is something. Therefore, you can probably see why I would be getting annoyed with these whole 'meeting' things.

"Look," Brett sighs. "We have all been hearing the same thing around school today. We just thought we'd tell you now."

I narrow my eyes. Why the fuck doesn't he just spit it out? "Okay..."

Brett looks over at Cooper and I become aggravated. If they brought me out here just to play games I am really not into it.

"Are you going to spit it out or what?"

"We've been hearing that Ensley and Jeremy have been hooking up, Mathews." I just stare blankly at the group of guys in front of me, because I honestly do not know what to even do. I am stuck between completely lashing out and telling them that they've got it wrong. Lincoln Park High School is filled with a bunch of low lives that really have nothing better to do than to spread rumors, so this whole thing isn't impossible.

"Right," I nod and go to say something about it when Brett holds up his hand.

"Before you say anything," he looks at me dead in the eyes, seriousness in his tone. "I should probably tell you what is being said."

He is probably right, but I already know it is going to be false so all I'm going to end up telling him is to make sure to shut that shit down. I know Ensley and I know that she would never do anything with that sleaze bag. She wouldn't even have the time, I am with her every second of every day.

"Go ahead," I tell him.

"Apparently Jeremy told his friends that she gave him head and he finger fucked her." Just hearing it - even though it is not true - makes me extremely fucking mad. To think about this happening...I need to calm down before I hit something or someone. I can feel my temperature rising and this is not good.

"Well thank god we know it's not true," I say through gritted teeth and they all are looking at me like I am for sure going to blow up any second. "If you guys hear anyone else talking about it, set the record straight. That shit did not happen, got it?"

They nod not looking like they believe me but I don't give a fuck, I am so sick of these dumbass rumors. I really hope Ensley doesn't hear about them, though, especially her. She gets very sensitive when things like this happen, I can only imagine her reaction if she were to hear a disgusting one like this.

I really just hope she doesn't.

Ensley's POV.

After getting home from school, I have around six hours before Caleb and Hardin are supposed to be coming to pick me up so I decide to eat a snack.

Jeremy: I am really excited to see you tonight ;)

I smile to myself and type in a response. 'me too I miss you :('

Keeping Up With The Kardashians is playing on my tv so I get distracted by that as I wait for Jeremy's response. I wonder if I should take a shower before I go to the party? I mean, if I am going to be seeing Jeremy - not that we are going to be doing anything - but just incase. No. I took one this morning I don't need one. But maybe I do.

Fuck I'll just take one. What the heck.

Jeremy: I miss you too babe :( we need to hang out more

You're telling me. I am hoping that we will be able to tell Caleb soon and that way we can hang out without sneaking around. To think about Jeremy and I dating with Caleb knowing and him being fine with it is a pure dream. Chances are he will throw a fit, rebel against it for a while, then eventually give it up because he cares about me too much.

One can hope.

'I know hopefully soon'.

And I mean that.

With that in mind I head towards the shower and prepare for a long run under the water.


Ooooooo are ya'll getting excited? It's getting serious in here. Do I hear Jeremy and Ensley or Caleb and Ensley? I am really happy to have gotten back into writing, I tell you, I have been so much happier and I'm like back in the groove to do good chapters!!

What do you think? Is Caleb going to hook up with Chantelle? What was Caleb going to say to Ensley? Are you shocked that Caleb didn't believe Brett? What is going to happen next?

Don't be a silent reader!!

Enjoy. I love you all <3

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