James takes Lily on a Date

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The sunlight glowed through the windows of Gryffindor tower as the 7th year girls unpacked for the night. In the corner, Lily Evans sat next to an open suitcase, her auburn hair tumbling down in waves, her robe casually open revealing a light turtleneck and jeans. Lily's friends Emmeline and Mary were with her, and Lily couldn't stop laughing as Emmeline told them about a blind date she'd had over the summer. Emmeline had the worst luck with dating (she'd had three boyfriends that summer alone), but she just turned all her ex's into hilarious stories.

Emmeline sighed dramatically as she stuffed the last of her shirts in a drawer. "So yeah. That's the story of how I've sworn off dating forever." She ran her hand through her shiny brunette hair and put her hands on her hips.

On the other side of the room, Mary laughed and nodded enthusiastically. "That's crazy Em. I totally agree. Dating is the worst. I went out with this one guy over the summer, his name was Mark, and he was cute, like Sirius Black cute—"

"Dang." Emmeline said, impressed. Lily grinned, briefly remembering that they hadn't asked her about dating James Potter yet.

"—but he took me on a five mile hike for our first date—" Mary continued.

"That sounds fun!" Emmeline said, leaning against her drawers.

"Yeah, for you!" Mary said, dumping a bag onto her bed and turning to give Emmeline a look. "But I don't know why we're talking about my sad love life when we could be talking about Lily's."

"You mean, Lily Potter's?" Emmeline said with a smirk.

Lily laughed, making a show of rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "Oh come on, it's not like you don't know. I told you both everything in my letters!"

"Not everything!" Mary exclaimed. "Not the dirty details, like how was your first date? Does he write romantic love letters? Is he a good kisser??"

Lily laughed and rolled her eyes. "It was great, yes, and yes!"

"Oh my gosh!! Lily Evans snogged James Potter!!" Emmeline exclaimed excitedly.

"Em, no, SHHHHHHH!!!" Lily said, laughing, and looking over at the door.

"Okay, but you have to tell us the whole story, Lily. I mean, honestly it was so weird when you were sitting with him at dinner—" Emmeline said.

"All cute, with his arm around your shoulders," Mary chimed in.

"Yeah, when you're usually yelling at each other." Emmeline continued.

"Tell me about it." Lily said, giving them both a dry look. "It's beyond weird. Every time I see him, I expect him to be the old James that we used to know. You know, the arrogant one. But he's different now. Something's changed." Lily smiled slightly and her mind went to James— 

"Awwww, loook she's blushing." Emmeline teased.

"For the record, I take a lot of credit for this." Mary declared. "If things hadn't gone badly last year, you guys wouldn't have made a connection."

Lily thought back to last year and didn't know how to feel. Last April, Mary had been alone coming home from the library when she was attacked by a few Slytherins and an unknown spell. Lily had found Mary during her prefect route, covered in blood. It was the scariest thing that had ever happened to Lily. Luckily, James had been in the hallway at the same time and had heard Lily's scream. He had helped Lily take Mary to the hospital wing. Mary didn't remember who had attacked her, but it hadn't been hard to figure out. Snape and Mulciber. 

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