One week later

"AHHH" I screamed out in pain.

 I am currently giving birth which hurts like a mother fucker. That's right, our little queen finally decided to say hello. In the delivery room with me of course is my wife, mother, and mother-in-law Mary Margaret.

"Honey you have to come down."My mother cooed.

 "CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN! you have no idea what I'm feeling right now" I said with a deep menacing deep voice.

 "Baby just hold on a little while longer till the doctor comes... here just take my hand." I take my wife's hand and squeeze when I feel another contraction hit stronger.

 "Fuck Gina, I said hold my hand not take it off." Emma winces out.

As I was about to say something the dumb-ass doctor finally walked in.

 "Hi I'm Dr. Sanchez and I'll be helping you deliver your baby."

"Finally! Get her out of me NOW!" After I said this she immediately went to check to see if I was fully dilated.

 "O-okay Miss Swan mills you're dilated 10 cm you can start pushing."

Emma POV

"AHHH" Gina screams again

 "It's OK baby you're doing great, you got this." I reassured her.

  "uggghhh, I'm never doing this again... FUCK!" I just hold her and whisper sweet nothings into her ear as she kept on pushing.

I can't wait to hold my little queen in my arms, I remember when we were talking about having another baby I was so excited. Then when Regina had her insemination done, when she told me she was pregnant I cried like a little baby.

Now we're having our first baby girl even though it might be harder because of relationships. I swear to God I will murder anybody who thinks they are good enough for our daughter.

"OK one last big push," The doctor urged.

"AAAHHH" Gina let out her final scream while our mothers were wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Once they were done cleaning Reina, they gave her to Gina as soon as she was in her arms she stopped crying. Cora, mom, and I gathered around them and watched Reina open her eyes for a few seconds. We were all crying

 "She's so beautiful, she's gonna look a lot like Regina I can tell, oh wait I made something for her." My mother said handing me a pink bag.

I open the bag and pull out a white baby blanket with Reina's name embedded into it with a red ribbon. It looks like the same one I have from when I was a baby except mine had a purple ribbon.

"Wow mom it's beautiful, thank you." I give her a hug and give the blanket to Regina and she wraps it around our baby.

 "Awww she looks so adorable." Gina said looking at Reina.

"Ok dear, Mary Margaret and I are gonna go get the rest of the family so they can come to see our new little queen and so we can start planning her coronation"

 " Of course mother." Gina replies.

Now it's just my wife, Reina, and I.

 "uugghh do we really have to do this coronation, can't we just sign her birth certificate here and make her officially ours now" she wines.

"You know I would love that but it's tradition reg. The woman gives birth, throws a party with friends and family members. By signing the certificate in front of everyone shows that the kids are swan fucking mills and they are untouchable" I tell her while she starts to breastfeed Reina.

"Yeah your right and don't swear in front of the baby, but I just don't want anything bad to happen I keep having this weird feeling something might happen"

"Baby we have nothing to be worried about what he will do he said that stuff years ago and nothing has happened, but I will heighten security just to be on the safe side," I said to reassure her.

"Your amazing Em, I love you," reg said tilting her head up

 " I love you more babe" I lean over carefully and give her a sweet kiss.

Hey, my peeps I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Let me know what characters you would like to see in the book and I will also be updated daily.

Xoxo Cynthia ❤️

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