Ch. 19: Bewilderment

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Y/n's POV.

I slowly woke up and groan once I feel a troubling headache and a swirling visions at the same time when I tried to sat up. Geez..what did that crazy drug do to me? I sigh and blinked my e/c eyes to get a clear and better vision. The first thing that caught my eyes is the torn black jacket at the top of me, then the old dusty sofa and a not so dark, messy room. Wait..this isn't my room and this jacket isn't mine either.

Oh Fudge!?

I abruptly stood up once I notice that I am in someone's room. Wait, did...Ayano actually caught me? N-no, that's impossible. I escape and run and she was chasing me all the way through that..dark alleyway.

Where on the fuzzy hell am I?

Within my free hand, I held my throbbing head and tried to scout my surroundings, my gaze stops when the black tattered jacket comes in my visions again.

"Slowpoke.". A familiar voice rang up behind and gives me the chills down through my spine.

I made an audible gulp and muster all of my courage before sprinting away from her and get out in this place as soon as possible. But my escapade fails when I accidentally tripped myself on a wooden chair which I didn't see earlier and going for a painful fall.

I thought my arm's going to break again when suddenly, I saw the girl swiftly catches me in time and use herself as a cushion when we both fell to the ground and earn a loud hiss from her.

"Hey, chill out! You're safe here!". She whisper-yelled to me while trying to diffuse my kicking and screaming tantrum.

"That..voice.". I slowly lift up my head to see the girl who spoke up and still hugging me in a protective way. "You. You're that girl from the alleyway!". I said.

"Heh. You identify me even though you didn't see my face back then? Not bad.". She contemplated with a small smirk before she carefully stood up and sets me down to the sofa with ease.

Whoa, she's..incredibly strong like me.

"Um..yeah, I just knew you by the sound of your voice.". I explained as I saw her amazes expression. "O-oh, I haven't introduced myself. I'm..".

"Y/n Kanzaki. The Darling of Akademi High. I know.". She said emotionlessly.

"I see..". I slightly lowered my head, embarrassingly blushing when I heard that title again. "And you are?".


Osoro? in Osoro Shidesu? The fearsome leader of the delinquents? Who would have thought that my savior is actually a delinquent?

Lifting my head up, her tough persona changes and saw a faint blush on her cheeks when she saw me starring to her for a second before responding in my natural composure.

"Nice meeting you, Osoro. Thank you for sa–..". I was going to thanked her when I stop and covered my mouth.

Osoro quickly gets the situation and guided me to the bathroom before I finally lost my control and emptied my upset stomach. Ugh..this is why i hate makes me more sick and nauseous. She softly rubs my back and grab something on a wooden cabinet near us. I rinsed my mouth and face to keep that stenchy smell off of my nose before letting out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry.". I said as I slowly bringing my tired eyes back to her.

"She really did a good number to you huh?". She neutrally said and hand a clean face towel to me. "Who's that freakin' girl anyway?". She asked while guiding me back to the sofa.

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