Ch 13: Friendly Kill

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Y/n's POV.

I was sitting on my desk, looking down to my notes and being drowned by own thoughts as i waiting for the school bell rings. Days passed by and it seems everybody's forgotten about that horrible incident lately and do their own regular doings like nothing happened.

For some reason, I felt so weird and different now when attending Akademi High. It might sound strange but..I feel like I'm being watched 24/7.

Well..My popularity attracts so many admirers, followers and worse..create some unwanted stalkers that making me a bit of a slight paranoid. *Shiver* Ugh, imagining that kind of scenario makes me shake in fear.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud ringing sound of the school's bell. Everyone's heading to the cafeteria and some of them invited me to join them. I kindly refuse since I'm already have a pack to joined in. I stood up in my desk, grab my f/c stress ball on my bag and head out to the outdoor cafeteria.

"Hey Y/n! Get your lazy feet over here!.". Osana yells and waves her hand to get my attention to them.

I smiled as I saw my friends already in their own spots, waiting for me.

"Hi guys, sorry if I'm late.". I said.

"Whatever dummy..come here and join us already.". Osana said and placed her bento box on the table.

I cast my gaze to Taro to get a hint why Osana's acting so mean to me..again and likewise, he only response with an "I don't know" look and a blissful shrug. *Sigh*

I sat beside Kokona who's having a two bento box on her hand and gave me the other one. I told her many times that she don't need to prepare a spare meal for me. But she insist that it is also her job as my assistant so..there. Free tasty meals everyday. *Chuckles*

"Surely Kokona prepares a healthy meal for you Y/n.". Taro jested as he saw that the food Kokona prepared is all...vegetables and rabbit shaped apple slices with a small box of milk.

"Yeah..". I simply stated and chuckles. "Thanks Kokona.".

"Anytime.". She said and slightly blushed.

"Oh quit this lovely jibber jabber and let's eat. I'm starving.". Osana said and starts to eat her lunch.

As i having a good lunch with them, I can feel that Osana's mad at me. Did I do something bad or offensive to her? Grr...dear goblin! I couldn't even remember!?

"U-um..Y/n?.". I heard Kokona called me.


"Do you have..something to do after school?". She asked.

"Hmm..let's see. Since i can't participate in cleaning time, I'll do a quick visit at the Light Music Club before going home. Why did you ask anyway?". I said.

"Can you meet at the Cherry Blossom tree after school?". Kokona said and looked to me with a shyly expression" I-i would like to say something to private.". She added.

I'm still confused at her actions but curiosity got me so I agreed and nod my head. She beams a saccharin smile and shaking my hand up and down like Saki when she's getting in her Hyper mode. On the corner of my eye, I nervously gulped as I saw Osana's murdering glare on us..well she's glaring more to Kokona. Still, my boon friend Taro here didn't get any vibe that something's strange going on to Osana.


The school day ends and everyone's participating in cleaning time, except for me. I grab my f/c pocket watch and look at the time, guess it's time to meet Kokona at the Cherry Blossom tree located on a steep hill behind the track.

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